Chapter 10 - Starcrossed Lovers

"Oh, they'll do quite nicely," Kokab Summerstar said to King Balder as his Aesir senshi showed Empress Sidra's delegate just what they were capable of. Sailorfreya was in a display of marksmanship, which halped make up for the fact that her attack itself was weak. But it was Thor, Njord, and Odin especially that impressed her. Njord and Thor busied themselves sending lightning and ice attacks at their leader, but Odin simply absorbed it all, sending it harmlessly in another direction. "An attack on us is expected any day now, since it's common knowledge that the Empire supports the Dusk Millennium in all things.

"It's a pity about their Queen," Balder commented.

"Indeed," Summerstar replied. "But Princess Solange gets along well enough. I'm off to the Flora Vita system next, they have three decent senshi, and they're interested in joining the Empire in the wake of the attacks on the Dusk Millennium. If they do, they'll help maintain the boundaries. But speaking of Queens, how does Queen Dora and the infant prince?"

Balder's face lit up with fatherly pride. "Prince Alasdair is thriving, thank you."

"Alasdair? Why, that's my grandfather's name!" she said. Actually, Alasdair Donovan adopted her mother at the behest of Leadan Beraku Staa, but the last thing the average subject of the Empire needed to know that one of the Empress's closest advisors and two Star senshi were descended from the Black Star Galaxy.


Emerald Bolt!" Nesheph Mokusei cried, sending bolts of green lightning at Sailorwater and Sailormetal, sending them reeling. She grinned, pulling her Dragon Sword back out of the ground. Kanemi had made a big deal about these Elemental senshi, but Midori didn't see what the fuss was.

"My turn!" Sailorlightning giggled, bounding towards Mokusei. Mokusei raised her sword to attack again.

"Idiot, didn't you learn your lesson last time?" Nesheph Tenousei said, shoving the younger girl out of the way. "Heavenly Fury!"

Nesheph Mokusei was about to give Tenousei a peice of her mind. She'd meant to strike with her sword, not her attack. Why did Sarah have to steal her thunder? But Sailorquintessence appeared, headed straight for Mokusei. That was enough to make even Midori stand at attention. The leader of the Elemental senshi rarely appeared on the battlefield.

"Midori!" Nesheph Kasei cried sending Sailorwood running for Sailorearth as she caught sight of her friend running straight for Quintessence, sword swinging wildly. She swore inwardly at all the times she let Midori borrow her Justice Star and the Silver Sniper manga, but she couldn't take that back now.

"Sw... swirled Stttorm!" Nesheph Meiousei stammered, sending her attack, weak as it was, at Quintessence. It did nothing more than stun her, but her concentration was drawn away long enough for Mokusei to land a blow with her sword.

"Retreat, now!" Quintessence bellowed, and the Elemental senshi teleported out instantly. Nesheph Suisei caught a grin on Sailorfire's face just before she disappeared. Well, they weren't the only team with interior conflict, she thought, scowling as Midori began to crow like an idiot. If it weren't for Hana's quick thinking and Quintessence's pride, Midori would have been a sitting duck.


"Thank you!" Anastacia said, bowing and reveling in the applause of the crowd of people crammed into the smallish club. The turnout had been better than expected, smoothing over her sour mood considerably. And the fact that they were cheering for her and her band nearly put her at the top of her world.

"We'll be here all week," Donovan said as Amalia's usual retinue of security guards came on stage to escort the princess and her friends home. He looked them over, recognizing none. But near the stage, a familiar face with her hair up in an odango and ponytail had kept an eye on things. Nagai something, he thought, the mind reader Sofia had been working with. If she was keeping an eye on Amalia, he could feel safe leaving. Which he knew he'd soon be doing anyway. If the Kokab Star senshi weren't sent to retrieve the Empress or help defend their allies, he'd think of some reason to go. While he hadn't known the Lady Daniella all that well during his first trip to Venus, his recent visit spurred him to return. She was so familiar...

Then, he realized it. She was so similar to the woman in his dreams, he was surprised not to have made the connection before. Of course, the dream woman was always hidden by shadows, but he'd been able to pick out a tallish figure and a long braid. Of course, Queen Utako de Mokusei and her daughter, Princess Midori, also were tall women with braided hair, but they lacked the allure of the dream-woman. But Daniella didn't.

"Lusitania to Donovan," Amalia said, snapping her fingers in his face as he took his seat in the limo Queen Sofia had sent to take them home. "Are you there?"

"Sorry, I'm just still so shocked at the turnout," he said. But both girls knew he was lying. he only got that look in his eyes when the Lady Daniella was mentioned. His eyes went distant again, and Anastacia's eyes went steely. So, Amalia mused, Anastacia finally realized that she still cared for Donovan. While Amalia cared for Anastacia more than she did for her own sister, she couldn't help but think it served her right. Why her friend had broken things off with Donovan while he was studying on Venus was none of her business, but if she'd just waited a few more months, he would have been back.


"What do you think, Vitoria Aurelia?" Patricia said, showing off the new ball gown she'd had specially made for Prince Aster's masquerade ball. Ever since he heard that his mother's cousin, Princess Serenity of the Silver Millennium, had met her true love at a masquerade, he's been taken with the idea. And Patricia was certainly not about to let anyone else sink their claws into the most eligible bachelor in the known Universe but herself.

"It's perfect, Your Highness," Vitoria Aurelia, one of Patricia's several hangers-on gushed as Patricia spun, the silver and white dress floating around her. "Prince Aster won't be able to take his eyes off you."


"And remember, only Sofia, Hitomi, Miaka and Eleanor know I'm alive. You mustn't let anyone else know," Isabel said. Shizuki opened her mouth to reply, but Isabel already anticipated Shizuki's words. "No, not even Daniel. Especially not Daniel."

Shizuki nodded, noting the tears building up in Isabel's eyes, but didn't mention them. "Everyone should know all the good you've done, but I'll keep your secret."

"Good," the brown haired senshi replied. She pulled the Silver Crystal out of the pocket of her loose robe. "We've kept this safe until it was time for you to return. And you won't be going alone," Isabel added as a silver cat with blue eyes familiar to Shizuki entered the room, hopping on her shoulder.

"Lady Isabel says I can go with you, Shizuki!" Cynthia said, placing a soft paw on Shizuki's face. "Isn't it great?"

"Just remember to stay in that form," Isabel scolded, and handed the Silver Crystal to it's rightful owner. It burst into joyous white light. Shizuki smiled, but it fell off her face as Isabel hit the floor, clutching her head.


"Daniel-san!" Daniella gasped as Daniel screamed in the middle of dinner, clutching his head. Akira rushed to his side, but Minako was already on her way to Magellan Castle's communications room.

"Send an urgent summons to Princess Eleanor de Elysion, " she barked to the computer technician. "Lord Silveira needs her. Now!"




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