Chapter 3 - Succession

Solange had been deeply shaken by the news of the attack, and had allowed Utako to take over the situation. The underaged children of the senshi would have to be awakened early, but that was something Utako had said could easily be dispatched to Kanemi, who would train and lead them as leader of the Inner senshi. The Outer senshi were all awakened, or in Hana's case, already spoken for. All that remained was for Solange to choose her successor.

It was an obvious choice. Aurora was much too timid and reclusive, and Eos was the Dusk Millennium's darling, charismatic and noble. Utako would be spending more time on the Moon with Solange, so Jupiter would need Aurora's regency more than ever, while Eos was nothing more than the charming crown jewel of the court at Serenatis Castle.

And yet, something held Solange back. Eos spent more time with her grandmother than Solange liked, and Solana doted upon her as she never had the chance to with Solange. The old woman was no threat now that Shizuki was no longer around to be plotted against, and so Solange had finally relented and allowed her mother to see the twins. Aurora had always feared her grandmother, finding excuses to spend more and more time at Io Castle with Utako, eventually shouldering the Queen of Jupiter's duties so that they didn't conflict with her role as grand vizier.

Solange sighed, turning the Iridescent Jewel over in her hands, it's benevolent golden shimmer lighting her worried features. It was no use trying to deny it, Eos would be the next senshi of the Sun.


"You can't be serious," Aster said, rising to his feet. "Mother, the Prismatic Empire needs you here, not fighting a threat to the Sol System."

"He has a point, Sidra," Alan said. "Passing on your powers to him is the logical answer."

Sidra took a deep breath, carefully looking over the hastily put together council that had formed hours after the news from the Dusk Millennium. Renée had come from Lusitania, bringing along Sofia, normally one loathe to leave her home. Alan and Miaka were there, of course. Nothing happened in the Empire that they didn't hear about. Tristan was there too, the silent presence that had helped mold her son into the noble man he was today, not the simpering child that she had been. All of them knew of her cowardice, and none of them would begrudge her the chance to redeem herself. She owed it to Shizuki.

"Aster, I have not always been the mother you know, the Prismatic Empire's revered and honored Empress. You've heard the stories, I know you have and I know you hate them. But they are true. Shizuki the Messiah may not have needed my help to defeat her father and Dame 9, but I turned her down out of cowardice, not as a last resort to maintain a line of Selestia as most people are told. And so long as I am Empress, you are subject to me. You will stay and rule in my place, and I will take the next generation of Star senshi to the aid of the Dusk Millennium."

Aster was about to reply when Tristan placed a hand on the prince's shoulder, easing him back into his seat. "Let her go, Aster, not everyone gets a chance to redeem themselves," he whispered.

"If there are no more comments to be made on this, we should move on to the subject of awakening the senshi who will go with Sidra," Miaka said.

"Yes, the question of the next Springstar has worried me," Sidra said, glad to be finished with the worst.

"There's nothing to worry about," Sofia said. "Despite the fact that there is no longer a senshi of Aries or Pisces, Hitomi and I have remained close. Her daughter is a very gifted seer, and she will become the next senshi of Kasei."

"Then who's to become Springstar?" Alan asked.

"Alan, darling, you're embarrassing yourself," Miaka said. "It takes three Zodiacs to make a Star senshi, and one of them has a daughter."

Renée immediately burst into laughter at that.

"What's so funny?" Aster asked, confused that one of his mother's most trusted advisors would act so oddly in the middle of a serious meeting.

"Sofia, I hope you're not thinking of choosing Patricia as the next Winterstar," Renée asked.

Sofia looked at her oddly. "Why?"

"You mean you haven't noticed how much Anastasia and Patricia loathe one another?" Miaka asked, barely able to stifle a laugh of her own. "I think Adair and Donovan are going to have their hands full keeping the two of them from one another's throats."

"Which one�s which?" Aster asked.

"We were almost unsure ourselves, Highness" Alan replied. "Adair was born in the summer and Donovan in the autumn. Since Camilla, Isabel, and Daniel have no heirs and Utako's daughter will be Mokusei, we thought it was obvious."

"I don't know what 'we' you're talking about, Alan darling, I always knew that Donovan would be Autumnstar, even if Adair inherited Scorpia's fingernail trick," Miaka said. "Well, now that that's all settled, let's get to work, shall we?"


"Father, I do hope this isn't one of your obscure jokes," Miyuki said. She was upset enough having to miss class to go to Mercury, but this was ludicrous. "I'm not even of age yet."

"Your Aunt Utako was 16 when she became a senshi," Aya said. "We just did things this way so that you could have normal childhoods."

"Solar Storm isn't considered a real senshi," Miyuki replied tartly.

"Don't take that tone with me, Miyuki," Aya snapped, then paled. She sounded so much like Kasumi that she'd scared herself.

"Miyuki-chan, please don't upset your mother like that," Shirou said gently. "I know how you feel about the sailor senshi, but you are the heir of Suisei. It is your duty. Tomorrow we're going to the Moon, where you and the remaining Inner senshi will be awakened."

"Fine," Miyuki said. She never could deny her father, not when he was so sure of himself. At least he didn't yell at her like Mother. "May I be excused?"

"Yes," Shirou said.

As soon as Miyuki left the room, Aya sighed. "I did it again, Shirou."

"You're not turning into your mother, Aya-chan. Miyuki is just... difficult," he replied, taking her into his arms.

"Well, if I'm not turning into my mother, I don't want Miyuki to. We've always treated her and Megami the same, not like my grandparents treated my mother and aunt. But every day that passes, it looks more and more like the same thing is happening!" Aya said. "I don't want that for Miyuki!"


"Oh, Eos, I'm so happy for you," Princess Aurora de Taiyou said, embracing her sister as she arrived at Serenatis Castle.

"I'm happy that you left Jupiter to see this," her twin, Princess Eos, replied. "And I'm sure you're just a little relieved that it was me and not you."

Aurora flushed to the roots her raven hair. She and Eos had been identical as children, but with the passing years the blonde streaks of Aurora's hair had faded as the streaks of black in Eos's hair had. "Just a little. But still, you'll make a great senshi."

"We can only hope. Grandmother would like to see you," Eos said, already knowing what her sister's reaction to that might be. Both twins knew the old woman's crimes, but while Eos loved Solana out of pity, Aurora was terrified of her. "I'll go with you, if you like."

"Please," Aurora said, unable to keep the tremor out of her voice. "But can we see Mother first? And Queen Utako too, I'm sure she's like to know what I'm doing in her kingdom."

"I'm sure you're doing a good job on Jupiter. But we will, Grandmother's usually in the gardens about this time, she likes to be alone," Eos replied. "And we have to catch up, of course. We never see each other anymore, Aurora."

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