Chapter 6 - Awakening

Miyuki tugged at the lace collar of her gown, silently envying Midori and Izumi. While she sweated and suffocated in her corset and heavy blue velvet dress, the princesses of Kasei wore lighter dresses of red silk and green linen instead. But it was traditional, and that was that.

"Ready?" Nesheph Kinsei said, entering the room with one of Princess Solange's daughters, Miyuki didn't know or really care which.

"Do you even have to ask?" Midori replied, her eyes shining.

Kinsei's companion giggled, and Miyuki recognized her as Princess Eos. Princess Aurora wasn't known to be much of a giggler.


"No sign of anything out there," Hana said, looking over the complicated mass of terminals and blinking lights that was Charon Castle's control room. She leaned back in her chair, toying with the little swirled brooch hidden in the folds of her gown. She hadn't told anyone about it yet, and wasn't in any hurry.

"Well, if anything does come up, I'll be out patrolling myself, just in case," Sarah said, pulling out her henshin brooch; a pair of white wings."

"Take Megami or Hotaru with you," Hana replied. "Just in case."

Sarah grinned. "You're worse than Aunt Hime, Hana."

Hana just shrugged, and Sarah left.


While everyone else's attention was focused on the four girls following Nesheph Kinsei towards the empty throne, Sailormetal's eyes were locked on the bracelet on the wrist of the man sitting in front of her. She'd seen it before, and thought it lost. But it did make things very interesting.

Meanwhile, the ceremony continued. "Your Royal Highnesses, Princesses Eleanor of Elysion and Solange de Taiyou," Kinsei began, addressing Nesheph Sailorterra, who stood beside the empty throne of crystal, and Solange, who remained seated on her own throne. "I bring to you the princesses of the lines of Sol, Suisei, Kasei, and Mokusei, to defend the Dusk Millennium against all foes," she said, going for all the drama she could cram into the carefully crafted speech. From her seat, Daniella could only smile at her sister's love of the melodramatic.

"Princess Kanemi de Kinsei," Terra replied solemnly despite the mischievous glimmer in her eye, "it is you who will lead the Inner Senshi into battle, do you find them worthy?"

That's a stupid question, Kinsei thought, but continued with the formula that had been set down. "I do."

"And I, Solange de Taiyou," Solange said, "Have chosen my daughter Eos to take up the Treasure of my Line. Do you deem her worthy?"

"I do," Terra said, and Queen Aya and Queen Utako, along Hitomi's husband, King Nathan, rose to join Solange, the Talismans of their planets in hand as the girls took out the henshin brooches Kinsei had given them earlier in the day.

"Now!" Sailorwater cried, and chaos erupted in the hall.


"Hana, do you read me?" Sarah's voice blared into the headset Hana wore.

"Yes," Hana replied, wincing.

"I asked Megami to use the Mirror to double check of any trouble. I don't know how they got past us, but there are four rogues on the Moon, and the place is a mess! We're on our way back to Charon now, tell Hotaru to get her butt ready so we can teleport!"

"Right," Hana said, switching off. She pulled the brooch out and frowned. No use hiding anymore.


"C'mon, Daniel-san!" Daniella cried, grabbing him by the wrist and heading for the back door where she saw Neo Star, Solange, and her daughters were being led out by the Kokab senshi.

"Who the hell are you?" Kinsei demanded facing the two women who's gowns had changed into fuku similar to the intruders she's seen attack Tenousei and Kaiousei.

"We think you know already, Kinsei. Surrender your Talismans or die," Sailorwater said.

"Never!" Midori cried, raising the green and pink brroch to the sky as it changed into a green leaf with a golden lightning bolt engraved on it. "Mokusei Dusk Power, Makeup!"

Izumi shot a glance at Miyuki, who shrugged, raising her brooch. "Suisei Dusk Power, Makeup!"

"Kasei Dusk Power, Makeup!"


"Hana?" Tenousei said with no little disbelief as she and Kaiousei returned to Charon Castle to find not only Nesheph Dosei, but Nesheph Meiousei. "When did this happen?"

"There's no time," Dosei said, sensing Meiousei's apprehension in answering.


"Water-chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!" a giggly voice cried as a bolt of lightning stuck near between Sailorwater and the Nesheph senshi, forming into yet another Elemental senshi. "Quintessence sent me to help!"

"You've got to be kidding," Suisei said muttered under her breath.

"No, these bitches are no joke," Morrigan said, transforming into Sailorcoronis in a flurry of black feathers. Nereid followed suit, a stream of pale blue water obscuring her from view momentarily before revealing her as Sailormermaid.

"Oh great, there's more," Kasei said as Mokusei raised the Dragon Sword to the sky.

"No, we're friends," Sailormermaid began, but her words fell on deaf ears as Mokusei smalled her sword into the ground and said, "Emerald Bolt!"


"Lady Daniella," Kokab Autumnstar Knight gasped as she and Daniel ran around the corner, nearly plowing into him.

"No time, we're being followed," she said, panting breathlessly.

"What's the matter, ran out of places to run?" Sailormetal said, turning the corner.

"Children, get Daniel and Solange to safety," Neo Star said, raising the Astral Staff to face Metal.

"Oh, is that what he's called now?" Metal replied, her right hand changing into molten metal, which extended into a dangerously sharp sword. Daniella gaped, but Autumnstar forced her and Daniel to run on with the other Kokab senshi.

"Come back, Rhadamanthys! We have so much catching up to do, old boy!" Metal said, but Neo Star would not let her pass.

"You shall not pass," she said coolly, leveling her staff at the intruder.

"And what are you going to do about it? The whole universe know what a coward you are," Metal snapped.

"Then it is time I started changing that. Starlight Silver Salvation!"


"Mokusei, you will not attack unless you know who your enemies are!" Kinsei snapped as Sailormermaid, Sailorcoronis, and Sailorwater were slammed into nearby walls, each struck down by a bolt of green lightning shot from the Ryuunome.

"Wait, that one doesn't seem to have been hurt," Suisei said, noting that the last senshi to arrive wasn't even so much as dazes by the attack.

"That's because I'm Sailorlightning," she said, posing before pointing at Suisei. "Electric Frenzy!"

Suisei, frozen by fear, didn't so much as move, watching with horrified eyes as the bolt of lightning shot towards her.

"Miyuki-chan!" Nesheph Kaiousei gasped as she and the other Outers arrived. Immediately, she srpund into action. "Aquatic Embrace!"

A shield of water rose up around Suisei, dissolving the attack headed for her.

"You're outnumbered, Scylla," Sailormermaid spat, rising to her feet, still dazed from Mokusei's attack. "I'd run, if I were you."

Sailorwater frowned. "Run off to Galaxia, little sister. Tell her that Nova relishes the day when they meet," she replied, before dissapeared in a splash of water. Pouting, Sailorlightning followed with a crash of thunder.

"You weren't supposed to make this personal," Sailorcornonis groaned, rising to her feet.

Sailormermaid sniffed, brushing a stray hair out of her face. "If Lady Galaxia does, I can too."

"Would you mind telling us just who you are?" Tenousei demanded.

"Actually, yes," Sailorcoronis replied. "But let's just say that we have your best interests in mind." She cracked the long black whip she carried with her, and she and Sailormermaid dissapeared.

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