Chapter 8 - Reinforcements

"Damn you Elemental senshi to hell!" Nesheph Tenousei swore as Sailorfire sent a winged demon of fire at her. Her sword slid through it harmlessly. She'd lost track of the time since the latest invasion of Nemesis had begun, only that she was dead tired.

"Aquatic Embrace!" Kaiousei cried, surrounding the flaming apparition with a rush of water that dissolved it.

Sailorfire shrieked with indignation. It took a lot out of her to create those fire demons, damnit! She looked over to where Sailorearth and Sailorwood were locked in battle with Nesheph Dosei. Earth's face was twisted in agony as the senshi in violet drained away her energy, and all Wood could do was bounce around like an idiot, too afraid of the so-called 'Angel of Death' to do anything. The only one of these Nesheph senshi not doing at all well was Meiousei, who spent most of the time cowering either behind her sister, or Neo Star, who was now goading the stupid girl to take a shot at Wood, who wasn't paying attention to her back.

Fire felt a gust of wind beside her, and she knew without looking that Air had arrived, most likely with orders to retreat. It was just as well. Sooner or later, these children would break, and Chaos would reign.

Princess Tenousei sighed with relief as, one by one, the Elemental senshi left. They could only hold them off for so long. She understood that the Kokab Star senshi needed to guard Star, but it was good of Queen Sidra to remain and help them. Foolish, but at least she had an heir. But when would Kanemi finally bring the Inners?


"I cannot believe you let her do that, Adair!" Alan fumed at Kokab Summerstar. The Kokab Star senshi had only just arrived from the Dusk Millennium, and he'd gone up in flames when he'd heard that Sidra stayed behind. "Of all the reckless..."

"Father," Summerstar said, interrupting his tirade before he really got started and using a pompous tone that matched his exactly, "You're speaking of Her Imperial Majesty as if she were one of my subordinates or charges, and she is neither. Not only is she a grown woman fully capable of making her own decisions, I am her loyal subject, just as you are."

Kokab Autumnstar ducked his head to hide a grin from his father's sight as he stared at Kokab Summerstar, speechless. If anyone could outwit their father, it was Adair.

"Now, as the Empress's loyal subjects," Adair continued before Alan found his voice again, "We must see to it that the Prismatic Empire's defenses are strengthened. If I'm not mistaken, the Asgard system has recently joined the Empire, and they lie closest to the Dusk Millennia. If any of them are here, we ought to speak with them."

"You shouldn't know about that yet, dear," Miaka said, unable to help from grinning. Adair was too clever by half, but with parents like hers, it was to be expected. But since you do know, Sailorodin has returned to Asgard. Said she didn't like being away from their king for long periods of time. The new ambassador, Loki Knight, is currently residing at the Prismatic Citadel. But if you ask me, I'm not sure I trust him. Still, he's all we have at the moment."

Alan shot a dark look at his wife, who shrugged back at him. He sighed, and you could see the defeat written across his face. What a delight it would be for his old flames to see him outmaneuvered by two women.


"Where's everyone else?" Nesheph Suisei said as she arrived in one of the fields where Kinsei and Terra usually trained the other Inners.

"Oh, they've invented this wonderful gadget that keeps non-Sol System senshi out of our borders," Nesheph Terra said, idly twisting wild roses into a garland. "That is what you'd like to hear, isn't it?" she added as Suisei frowned slightly. The girl was much too serious for her own good, Terra thought, setting the garland aside. "Actually, we've separated you three for the day to work on your specialties. Izumi's with the Oracle, testing her visionary abilities, and Kanemi's asked her sister to work with Midori. The Lady Daniella's a great swordswoman."

"She's not really her sister," Suisei replied.

"Oh, you're just trying to be difficult. Save it for what I've got prepared for you," Terra replied. The Golden Crystal appeared in her hand, and she concentrated on it for a moment. It flashed with a soft glimmer of light, and a hooded figure appeared between Suisei and Terra.

"This is a Nightmare," Terra said.

Suisei shivered involuntarily. Electra has used them against the Neo Millennium senshi to good effect. If her father hadn't been there, they would have been easily trounced.

Terra suppressed a smile. This girl her history, at least. "Now, this isn't a very strong Nightmare, so it will do for you to train with. Now, when it pulls it's cloak back, it'll reveal the form it'll use against you. When it does, I want you to attack it."

"No tricks this time," Suisei said warily as the Kourinosensu appeared in her hands.

"No tricks. It is one of your own nightmares, but not the worst one. You should be able to subdue it. On three now... one... two..."

The black cloak fell back, and Suisei saw her father. While, she knew it was only looked like Shirou, she almost screamed as she watched him begin to dissolve back into the seawater from which he was born.

"Cry... Crystal Frost!" she cried, and a very thin, cracked layer of ice surrounded her melting father. It wasn't enough, however, and the water seeped through the cracks.

Terra shook her head sadly, and the Nightmare disappeared. Maybe she'd the Nightmare she'd chosen was too strong. She doubted it, though. Miyuki knew what was coming, it was the attack that was weak. The previous two soldiers of that Line had been quite powerful, but the one before them had been weak. Perhaps Miyuki was a throwback, but Terra doubted that too. Miyuki was no weak willed Mizuno Ami. If only the girl could turn her will at being a senshi instead of resisting it.

"Let's try something else," Terra said once Suisei had gotten ahold of herself again. "Put your Talisman away please, and concentrate on your right hand, hard." Miyuki was at least as prickly as Umino Kasumi, and while Aya had never conjured on the Ice Sword, Miyuki might be able to. When all that happened was a faint, sword shaped shadow in Suisei's hand, Terra added, "Think of something that makes you angry."Suisei scowled and closed her eyes. A vision of Midori gloating over how great a senshi she'd be popped into her mind. Then, she felt something cool in her right hand. When she opened her eyes, she saw the Ice Sword there, sparkling in the morning sunlight.


Hana frowned to herself, not so much in concentration at the complicated work she was doing but at her hopeless performance as a senshi. Why she wasn't as brave as her sister, she'd never know. Well, if her current project worked out, she'd have less chances to make a fool of herself in battle.

The current barrier system was flawed. It's mainframe was based at Charon Castle. While it seemed to be a good idea as Pluto was the outmost colonized planet at the time, it's orbit was erratic. Now that the time was approaching when Pluto's orbit brought it closer to the Sun than Neptune, the system would soon be useless. But if she could get the Nemesis computer system networked to Charon Castle, they'd be protected during Pluto's interval inside Neptune's orbit. At least they'd get earlier warning of attacks.





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