GOTENKS RACE -- fused saiya-jin BIRTHPLACE -- N/A YEAR OF BIRTH -- N/A NEXT OF KIN -- N/A When Goten and Trunks fuse, you now have a new warrior: Gotenks. Gotenks makes up numerous and usually useless new attacks. A few are effective, though. The super ghost kamikaze attack is one of his best. he spits out a little ghost clone that will blow up if it is touched, even lightly. This is their first successful attack made to Super Buu. Like Gogita and Vegito, Gotenks is cocky. When in regular form (non-ssj) his hair is black with a purple hunk on each side. Gotenks achieves ssj3, with hair nearly as long as he is tall. Piccolo and Kuririn teach Goten and Trunks the fusion dance during the Buu saga (Piccolo fused with Kuririn looks REALLY funny! Check out his pic in my picture gallery, listed in the miscellaneous section). After learning, Goten and Trunks use any opportunity to fuse (quite unlike their fathers). In the begining of episode 288 (Japanese episode numbers...), Goku, Goten, and Trunks are in a tub bathing at Goku's house. They start fighting and Goten and Trunks hop out the tub and do fusion completely naked! Goku then comments that was a sneaky move. He stands up and goes ssj, busting the tub! He just stands there naked, full of himself, while Gotenks sits kinda shocked on the ground. [This is a must see scene!!]