MAJIN VEGETA <~This info same as that of normal Vegeta~> RACE -- Saiya-jin BIRTHPLACE -- Planet Vegeta YEAR OF BIRTH -- 732 NEXT OF KIN -- King Vegeta [father], Bulma [er...*wife*], Trunks [son], Bra [daughter] Vegeta is my favorite character, so I think Majin Vegeta is sooo awesome! What's the difference, you say? Well, lets start with the basics (this can be a complicated concept as well). Majin Vegeta IS the Vegeta we all know and love ^_~, with one physical difference. He has a black "M" on his forehead. In the 25th Tenkaichi Budoukai (the first one since the Cell games), Goku is granted 24 hours back on Earth (he's been dead for 7 years). Vegeta is at the competition and insists that Goku fight him. There is an *interruption* of the competition, and Goku gets ready to fly off and check out the cause. Vegeta flips, and demands that Goku fight him. Goku tells him to wait, but you know Vegeta.... Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, and Kaioshin [not sure that's the right name... I'm checking up on that, this bio's going to be updated] all head out and end up in Babidi's ship. Babidi is the son of Bibidi who is the creator of Buu. Whoever is being controlled by Bibidi (he's a magician, has magic) has an "M" on their forehead. Babidi needs damage energy to resurrect Buu, but since Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, and Kaioshin are doing so well against his cronies, he doesn't have any to collect. Then Babidi and Dabura realize that there's one among them with an evil heart that can be used to their advantage. Vegeta allows himself to be charmed by Babidi, creating Majin Vegeta. The advantages for Vegeta are that now he has more power, enough now to go ssj2, and he gains some magic abilities. Babidi is supposed to have complete control, but Vegeta won't do anything except fight Goku. Majin Vegeta kills a whole bunch of people (I'm talking hundreds) who are at the Tenkaichi Budoukai. Goku finally consents to a battle, the best EVER in DB, DBZ, and DBGT all combined. They beat the crap out of each other. There's an awesome scene where Majin Vegeta throws Goku into a cliffside, puts rings of ki around his neck, wrists, and ankles, and then walks up to him and slaps him on the face twice! (Then he knees him in the crotch and starts beating the crap out of the defenseless Goku). This kewl battle ends in a draw ^_~ It would be impossible to actually have one or the other be victor. His vicious behavior worries Bulma (wouldn't it concern you?). Majin Vegeta finally sees how evil he's been acting and makes an un-Vegeta-like decision. He gives Trunks his first hug and says goodbye to Trunks, Bulma, and Kakkarotto (not aloud mind you, to himself). Then he does the saishyuu saigo no waza (ultimate final skill), a suicidal move. Vegeta does this in an attempt to kill Buu.... the blast uses the person's life force for the energy for the blast. All that's left of Vegeta is stone, that falls to the ground and shatters into millions of pieces. This is the end of Majin Vegeta, you will now see him as just Vegeta.