Learn From A Stranger He strained in the darkness of the forest, knowing this had the potential to be a disastrous situation. Although he had his katana at his side, he knew just how dangerous a stressed saiya-jin could be, and this one seemed to be exceedingly so. Besides, this one was associated with Vegeta. He himself was a force to be reckoned with. Vegeta was known to have an ego the size of Asia with an extreme ferocity to accompany it. So, Neoku crouched silently behind the undergrowth watching the strange warrior. Yasai, unknowing of her watcher, continued her intensive workout. For some reason, she was so agitated that she was unable to sense Neoku's prescence. Her dark black hair was tied into two long braids off the top of her head. Wearing sweat-soaked black spandex, Yasai punched and kicked, executing with great speed. Neoku could faintly hear Yasai mumbling out loud, "Planet Vegeta is gone! There is nothing for him to be prince of! He just assumes that because I'm the only surviving female saiya-jin, he can tell me what to do." Slightly chuckling from his "safe" distance, Neoku listened to the grumbling coming from the disgruntled saiya-jin. "Guess she's finally seen what Vegeta is really like," he thought to himself. Neoku smirked, thinking about the rumors that had been going around. His thoughts lost the humor in them as he remembered his reason for spying on Yasai. There was no time for jokes, there was a battle going on, and Goku was depending on him. And Goku had information that he needed to know, information about his unknown past. Goku had employed this questionable, assasin-and-spy for hire with explicit directions strictly with Yasai in mind. He needed to know a better estimation of her power potential, without her discovering their position. Neoku watched for a few minutes longer, but the situation didn't change any. Yasai was doing basic training and complaining. Nothing massive. Neoku sighed silently. "Maybe tomorrow she'll show more effort." This nightly vigil had been going on for a week now, and he hadn't discovered anything of much use. As Neoku turned to weave back through the forest, he stepped lightly on a stick, by accident. His muscles immediately tensed, and an inaudible curse escaped his lips. Saiya-jin senses are much finer than humans. For several seconds, Neoku just stood there, waiting for Yasai. And then, he realized how quiet it suddenly had become. "Where is she?!" Frantically, he scanned the area, but there was no sign of Yasai. He began to panic. Even though he had immense strength, he didn't have her saiya-jin blood. Saiya-jins were known throughout the galaxy for their natural fighting instincts. "The last thing I need is a ticked-off saiya-jin lurking in the shadows." Nervous, he ran his fingers through his hair, black and short, and tried to concentrate. "Gotcha!" a feminine voice hissed out as its owner held Neoku up by the front of his black surcoat. Neoku's brown eyes snapped open and stared at Yasai's dull blue ones. She squinted a little, a smirk forming on her face. Neoku's hands flew to his katana, but a hand shot out and grabbed his. "That wouldn't be nice, would it?" As she flung his only weapon into the hands of the night.. "Why are you hiding in the dark and watching me?" She asked of the fairly tall, human she supposed, ninja in her grasp. "You don't need to worry about that. Sounds like you've got your hands full with Vegeta," Neoku snidely remarked, trying to gain the upper hand with reverse psychology. Yasai dropped her smirk, but did not say anything about Vegeta. "I'm sorry, is that a sensitive topic for you?" Neoku added with a tone dripping with sarcasm. He should've kept his mouth shut. "You should watch what you say, little man. What do you have? Nothing. You don't know where you came from, who your parents are, or even your birth date." Yasai's expression stayed stiff as these disturbing truths came out. Dumb struck, Neoku stared at Yasai again. "W-what do you know? How do you know about me?" Yasai replied with disgust, "I'd rather not disclose that." Neoku, still confused, continued, "Can you tell me anything about my past? Did you know my parents?" A spaced-out look came over her and she replied, "I didn't know your parents any more than I knew my own." Suddenly, Neoku turned his attention from Yasai. He was scanning the expanse of the trees. Curious, Yasai asked, "What is it?" "I don't know, I heard something..." Incredulous, Yasai questioned, "You heard that?!" Yasai's mind was buzzing. "How could he have heard that? A mere human couldn't possibly have heard a leaf rustling at a distance that far!" But Neoku had heard the sound; An idea formed in her brain. "I was lying before, about knowing who you are," Yasai confronted Neoku. "Huh? But-" "Forget what I said. I have a more important question for you." "O.... Kay," Neoku was hesitant with his words. "Do you have a scar on the base of your spine? A black circle?" Neoku fell to the ground. "How do you know about that?!" "So you do, then?" She ignored his question. "How do you know?? Tell me now! I demand an answer!" Neoku was up instantly, and full of aggression. "You are a saiya-jin." Yasai said the words evenly, slowly. "Saiya-jins are born with tails. If they get cut off, there's always a black scar on the spine. Besides, you have the qualities of a saiya-jin." Neoku couldn't believe what he'd heard. After a few moments of silence, Neoku chuckled. "What?" Yasai asked, not knowing what to expect from the newly discovered saiya-jin. "Oh...," Neoku impulsively ran his fingers through his hair, "it's just that, I was supposed to be learning about you. But, you've gone and told me more about myself then I ever knew." His whole life would be changed forever.