A Party For Piccolo [Fragment I] by: saiya_jin_sama@yahoo.com "Bulma-chan, when is Piccolo-chan's birthday?" Bulma spit out the tea that she had nearly gotten to swallow in suprise at her mother's odd question. Mrs. Briefs: Is there something the matter dear? Is the tea too strong? Bulma: Don't tell me you've got a thing for Piccolo now?! Mrs. Briefs: The fact that he's tall, dark green, and handsome has nothing to do with knowing his birth date. Bulma squints her eyes at her man-hungry mother, not believing her statement. Bulma: Then why do you want to know? Planning on throwing him a party? She haughtily took another sip of tea. Mrs. Briefs: That's a perfect idea! Once again, a shower of golden liquid spewed from Bulma' mouth. Bulma: What?! The sputtering Bulma fell over, loathing what ever hair-brained scheme she had introduced to her mother.... "NO! Leave me alone noisy wench! I have no friggin clue what the Namek's date of birth is! Besides, wasn't he hatched from an egg or something equally absurd?" Mrs. Briefs: Well, whatever you want to call it, born, hatched. She was not discouraged at all by Vegeta's foul mouthed insults. Mrs. Briefs: Veggie-chan, you've spent time with him, certainly you have SOME idea.... Vegeta started banging his head on the wall and mumbling something to himself in his native saiya-jin tongue. Mrs. Briefs: What was that dear? Vegeta ceased his loud thunking and looked at the sun-shiney woman incredulously. Vegeta: I was only saying that you would have to be THE most aggravating, ill mannered (you had the gall to call me Veggie-chan!), annoying, loudest bi-- Bulma: Hello Veggie-chan, how's Mom been treating you? Bulma walked up to the seething short man and gave him a peck on the cheek. Vegeta: Why did you have to interrupt me woman? I almost got to tell her what she needed to hear.... Vegeta picks up again on his foreign profanities, shaking his head wearily and heading to the gravity room outside. Sometimes he thought that maybe the booty and the gravity machine weren't worth it to stay there and take the treatment from those two women... Vegeta: HA! Living with Kakkarotto! Heh, I'll get a little more action from Bulma. "So, what did you do to make Vegeta so obscene?" Bulma asked her mother. Mrs. Briefs: I was only asking him about Piccolo's birthday. Bulma: Mother!! Would you quit with that already! Mrs. Briefs: Piccolo-chan is our friend and I think it's time to give him a birthday party. She gives Bulma her typical anime smile, always pleasant. Bulma: Jeez... well, why don't you ask Goku, he would know....... Aw crap..... As Bulma smacks her hand to her forehead. Mrs. Briefs: Oh! That's a SPLENDID idea! Goku-chan hasn't been over to visit in a while! Bulma: Mother! He was here 3 days ago! "Well, I don't know....." Goku scratched the back of his head Goku: I don't know how to figure that out. Hmmmm....... Mrs. Briefs: I'll get some fresh tea while you think about it She flashed Goku a smile, one that he did not see. After a few minutes, Mrs. Briefs returned to the sitting room to see Goku sitting on the edge of the couch, brows furrowed, chin in hand in a suprisingly intellectual stance. His eyes snap open and he jumps up. Goku: I've GOT it! Mrs. Briefs: Really? Tell me! She claps her hands together. Goku: OK! Stay with me on this one! If you take the number of nuetrons in Piccolo's cells, divide them by three, then positively charge the quotient with gamma rays, you'll have a super-effecient nuclear reactor, thus solving the world's enery problems but consequently killing all organic material within 300 km of the source, the cause for which we can blame on a hole in the ozone layer. Mrs. Briefs: .......So Piccolo's birth date is.......? Goku: Huh? Who said anything about birthdays? I thought you said the stove was out of gas and you needed to make dinner. Mrs. Briefs blinks dumbfounded at Goku. "A PARTY?! I'll tell you what you can do with that party! You can turn it sideways and SHOVE IT up your candy ass!!" Bulma: But Vegeta! You can be in charge of the music! She batts her eyelashes at Vegeta. *Mom's gonna get it this time! Making me kiss up to this arrogant shrimp!* Vegeta: Music.... hmmmm......... Perhaps a party would be amusing, as long as I'M solely in charge of the music. Bulma: Sure, whatever. She leaves the gravity room, her degrading task accomplished. Vegeta: Hmmmmmm......... He thinks about what CDs to go bully from Music Plus down the street...... Vegeta: Heh heh heh..... "Well, I don't know, what do YOU think Piccolo would like?" Kuririn: I just thought of the perfect gift! Yamcha: Well lay it on me Kuririn, my man. Kuririn: Hee hee hee.... A fez!! "Bulma-chan! Come here! Goku has just discovered a new fuel system! Hurry up!" Bulma: What?! Goku? She stepped into the sitting room. Bulma: He did what? Mrs. Briefs: Go ahead Goku, tell her what you told me! Goku: Huh? Are you sure? He nervously looks from mother to daughter and back again. Mrs. Briefs: Are you joking? Of course I'm sure! Bulma: Come on Goku! What is it that's so wonderful? Goku: I don't know..... I don't think you'd wanna hear this..... Bulma: Spill it Son-kun! Goku: All right.... I said, "I thought you said the stove was out of gas and you needed to make dinner." Bulma: Uh huh.. and, Mother, what interest has this for me? Hmmm? She turned to her mother, very annoyed. Mrs. Briefs: But! But -- Goku-chan! Tell her what you said before that! She pleaded with Goku. Goku: Huh? Bulma and Mrs. Briefs sigh together. Mrs. Briefs: So much for that.... Maybe next time. Bulma: That's what you said last time! She repied to her mother's comment quite contemptuously. Mrs. Briefs: He's so cute though..... More on the story to come soon ^_~ Tell me what you think so far saiya_jin_sama@yahoo.com http://www.geocities.com/saiya_jin_sama