RADDITZ RACE -- Saiya-jin BIRTHPLACE -- Planet Vegeta YEAR OF BIRTH -- ? NEXT OF KIN -- Bardock [father], Son Goku [brother], Chi Chi [sister-in-law], Gohan [nephew], Goten [er... nephew] Though I despise dubbed DBZ and its corny jokes, I like the North American Radditz ^_^. Radditz is Son Goku's older brother that he didn't even know he had. Radditz is sent to Earth to check up on his brother and see if he's done his mission (kill all the humans). It is Radditz that explains to Goku that he's not actually a human, but a saiya-jin (reason for the tail). When Goku refuses to go with Radditz and kill all humankind, Radditz kidnaps tiny, four year old Gohan. Goku goes after him, and a fight ensues. Radditz has Gohan locked in his space pod and doesn't tell Goku. Piccolo joins forces with Goku, only so that the Earth will not be destroyed. Radditz is more powerful then either of them (but pales in comparison to his comrades, Nappa and Vegeta). He ends up frying one of Piccolo's arms off. Goku grabs Radditz and would have been rid of him courtesy of Piccolo, if he weren't so soft. Radditz tricks him into letting him go, saying he'll leave and never return. Of course, he was lying. Gohan is so upset by the pain Radditz is inflicting on Goku, that he busts out of the ship and flies in a rage toward his uncle and headbutts him square in the chest, cracking his armor. So, Goku finally puts him in a full nelson (wrestling move... Goku is holding him from behind) and tells Piccolo to give it another try. Piccolo happily agrees to, but tells Goku it will kill both brothers. Goku replies that it will be a worthwhile sacrifice. Since Piccolo has a hatred for Goku, he has no problem shooting them both through the stomach with his awesome Makkankosappo (a.k.a. special beam canon). Radditz is puking up blood and dying but mentions that his brother did a pretty heroic thing, by sacrificing himself like that. Piccolo calls Radditz an ass and says that Goku's friends will bring him back to life with the dragonballs. Radditz transfers this info to Nappa and Vegeta, and finally dies after telling Piccolo and dying Goku that his buddies will be coming in a year.