THE Road Trip Vegeta: Move OVER Kakkarotto!! Goku: But I'm not TOUCHING you Vegeta!!! Vegeta: SO?! I can still feel your disgusting KI! Goku: Oh shut up! :sticks tongue out: Vegeta: :whining: Bulmaaaaa... Why does Kakkarotto have to sit next to ME?? Bulma: :looking into rearview: Goku's the only one here that you can't kill, that's why. So both of you be quiet and get along like nice children. Goku: :innocently: Chi Chi, am I still a child? Chi Chi: :sigh: Sometimes I think so... Bulma to Chi Chi: I'll never understand how you ended up with TWO kids Chi Chi: I don't understand it myself Goku pipes up: I don't understand EITHER. We should have MORE than two... :puzzled look: Vegeta: :eyebrow raised: That's TOO much information Kakkarotto :Chi Chi's face is a deep crimson and she is pressed against the door hoping the conversation changes quickly: Bulma: W-H-O-A! Chi Chi! You go girl! :Chi Chi grows 10 more shades red and her hands grip the door handle in a vice-like grip: :Bulma winks: Goten: Hey Dad, what's with Mom? Goku: I'm not sure son, something about repeatedly but only ending up with 2 kids Goten: Oh, riiiiight Trunks to Goten: What he say? Goten: Eh... Mom's embarrassed that Dad's screwing her all the time Trunks: Riiiiiiight..... Vegeta: YOU TWO BRATS SHUT UP!! I DON'T CARE TO KNOW ABOUT KAKKAROTTO'S SEX LIFE!! Goku: Tell us about yours, then :Vegeta falls forward into the floor of the minivan: Goku: Vegeta! VEGETA!! Are you OK?? Your eyes are kinda stuck open or something... ARE YOU DEAD?? :Vegeta shakes his body and gets back into his seat: Vegeta: I'm FINE, baka Goku: So.... Vegeta: So? Goku: Well.... Vegeta: Well WHAT? Goku: Aren't ya gonna tell me about your passionate throes with Bulma? Vegeta: Certainly NOT! Goku: Why not? Afraid I'll find out that I get more than you, and I'm dead most of the time? :sticks tongue out, again: Vegeta: NO! It's just that... :Vegeta looks around the vehicle for some excuse: ... it would embarrass that woman too much :Sticks tongue out at Goku: Bulma: It wouldn't bother ME, Veggie-chan. Yamcha could never shut HIS mouth, I think I can tolerate anything you've got to admit to. :Vegeta's anger rises just a smidgeon from the pet name "Veggie-chan" that Bulma only used doing . An obvious jab at his ego...: :Bulma, amused whenever Vegeta got angry, was smirking into the rearview: Vegeta: :eyes closed, arms crossed, nose in the air: The details are too graphic to be told in the prescence of these young brats. Goten and Trunks: Eeewwwwww!!! Nasty!! :puking sounds from behind Goku and Vegeta's bench seat: Goku: Yeah, yeah, Whatever. You're embarrassed. Admit it Vegeta! Vegeta: I am NOT! I am the mighty prince of the saiya-jins, super elite, son of King -- Everyone: SHUT UP VEGETA!!! :Vegeta's head droops a bit and he starts scowling: Goku: ARGH!! You're no fun Vegeta! You're so weak!! :A sinister growling comes from Vegeta and he jumps on Goku: Vegeta: WHAT WAS THAT?? Goku: :Sticks tongue out: Vegeta: GGGGGGRRRRRRR!!! :A creepy glint in his eye, Vegeta prepares to pummel Goku: Bulma: You boys stop that RIGHT NOW! :Vegeta snarls at Bulma: Bulma: NOW!!! Or no nurse-and-patient for you! :A weird squeak-like noise came from Vegeta and he immediately let go of Goku and sat in his seat, hoping Goku didn't hear that last part...: Goku: Huh? :Vegeta thought fast, changing the increasingly tenseful subject before the dummy was able to figure out the only thing that could bring the mighty prince to his knees: Vegeta: Woman!! Stop this minivan from Hell NOW! I gotta piss! Bulma: EXCUSE ME?? I will NOT be taking orders from the likes of YOU! You can hold it! We've only got 75 more miles till the fill-up station. And watch your mouth!! Vegeta:.... :Vegeta had done more damage than originally thought because now, little light bulbs went on over the other saiya-jins present...: Goten: DAD!! Trunks: PAPA!!! Goten and Trunks: WE GOTTA PEE TOO!!! Goku: Chi Chi... I gotta go too... Bulma and Chi Chi: :sigh: Boys Goku, Goten, and Trunks: :not quite in unison: I GOTTA PEE! I GOTTA GO! NOW! I CAN'T HOLD IT! :Vegeta has began banging his head against the window: Vegeta to himself: Atleast that baka forgot about proding into my personal affairs :But then Vegeta realized he really DID need to pee...: Vegeta: Errggghhhh.... Goku: What'sa matter? Vegeta: I gotta piss you numskull! Bulma looks into rearview again and see's all four guys squirming with their legs tightly crossed. A sideways glance at Chi Chi and she decided the boys could wait the 75 long, grueling miles on Interstate 95..... 5 long, torturous minutes later.... Vegeta: That's IT! I can't wait any longer! :Vegeta starts rolling his window down: Goku: Hey?! What'cha gonna do Vegeta? Vegeta: I'M GONNA TAKE A PISS RIGHT OUT THIS WINDOW!! Goku: Heh heh! That's a good idea! Come on boys! Open the back window! :Trunks and Goten pop open the back hatch window while Goku rolls his own window down: Bulma: Vegeta!! Don't you do it! I mean it! Close that window NOW! Don't you DARE embarrass me like that! Chi Chi: GOKU! Don't tell those kids to do that! Roll that window up NOW! Teary-eyed guys: SHUT UP BROADS!! WE'RE TAKING THINGS IN OUR OWN HANDS! [author note: Pun not intended ^_~] To Bulma and Chi Chi's horror, the guys whipped 'em out, stuck 'em out the window, and proceeded to e out three sides of the moving minivan. Mortified, Bulma sped up to 95 mph, hoping that the look of this situation was better on the outside than inside, but knew that was impossible. What would a cop say if he saw four penises poking out various windows of a van?? Bulma: Faster! Go faster! Hurry up and finish already!! Someone will see!! Hysterical laughing errupted in the back of the van as the undignified guys finally finished and started suiting back up. They left the windows open, explaining to Bulma :Just in case we get another emergency: Smirks on all their faces at having successfully embarrassed the ladies. Vegeta: Hey woman! Why didn't we just fly? Bulma: I have no idea... it certainly would have made this a hell of a lot easier on me........ The End [or is it?....]