VEGETA RACE -- Saiya-jin BIRTHPLACE -- Planet Vegeta YEAR OF BIRTH -- 732 NEXT OF KIN -- King Vegeta [father], Bulma [er...*wife*], Trunks [son], Bra [daughter] Vegeta joins the cast in the begining of DBZ and sticks around to the end of DBGT. Out of all the characters, he will always be my favorite. He's got the most complex personality, and that's one of the reasons he such a kewl character. He's the BAD bad guy among the good guys. Myself, I usually like the bad guys in a story more than the "heroes". He's so proud and full of himself. He calls Goku by his saiya-jin name, Kakkarotto, and refuses to call Bulma by anything other than "woman". He is the son of the king of planet Vegeta, King Vegeta (so, really, Vegeta is Vegeta Jr. !!). His father [and the entire population (almost) of Saiya-jins] is killed by Frieza when he is a little boy. Because of his upbringing, he is something like a spoiled brat and demands everything. He gets his excessive pride from his father's teachings. At a young age he is extremely powerful, surpassing all other saiya-jins. When he is 30 years old, he arrives on earth with Nappa. There he meets the one that will come to perpetual tick him off, ALWAYS -- Son Goku. After their outrageous battle, Vegeta has become a permanent character, essential to the plot. Later on in the series, he "hooks up" (the best I can describe it nicely) with Bulma. They have a bizarre relationship -- Vegeta never shows his feelings. But apparently, they find sufficient circumstances to end up with two kids. Their first child is the highly popular Trunks. Later on (Vegeta is 48 and Bulma is 47), they have a daughter named Bra.