WHO'S A PLAYER? It's the local bar, and it's Friday night. It's time to see...who's a player! In the corner, Frieza is at a table with Zarbon and Dodoria. Daintily sipping his drink, he looks around the room. Nappa's sitting on a stool at the bar, glumly drinking his beer. Vegeta calls out to Nappa from his table. Nappa reluctantly turns around to see Vegeta with each arm around a girl and plently more girls around the table. "TERRIBLY sorry, but I had a sudden change of...er..., preference" Nappa grimaces, then stumbles out the door, about to hurl. "heh heh heh..." Goku walks in and Vegeta stops laughing. He tightens his grip on his girls, but they ALL get up. "Oh, look! it's GOKU!" And they all crowd around the dumbfounded Goku who's only looking for food. Vegeta blasts into ssj, destroying the table. "Come back here! You're mine! I was here first!" Nobody in the bar makes any reaction, including the girls who are now giggling over Goku. An alarmed Zarbon turns to Frieza "Why isn't anyone protecting themselves?" "Oh, Zarbon dear, this happens EVERY Friday night. Now he'll go and sit with Piccolo the rest of the night and pout." Sure enough, Vegeta gave up trying to get the girls back and sat in the opposite corner of the bar. He knew, eventually, Piccolo would come over and sit too. They wouldn't talk, not even look at each other, but that's how they liked it. 30 minutes later, Vegeta had dropped out of ssj. Piccolo came over and sat down. Frieza was now sitting with an uncomfortable Cell. He was QUITE adverse to Frieza's flirtations - mostly because he wasn't sure WHAT Frieza was. "He, she - whatever IT is acts TOO queer" #18 was walking by Vegeta's corner and he couldn't stop himself. "Want somethin with a little more hair?" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At the sound of a male voice crying out in pain, Frieza turns toward the other corner. Vegeta is balled up on the ground. In between winces, he grumbles something about "balls". Frieza was sitting back with Zarbon and Dodoria, disappointed at his failure at wooing Cell. He sighs. "Maybe he'll be OK by Saturday night." Zarbon turns to Dodoria, but Dodoria interrupts him. "I don't EVEN want to know" POST BAR STATS: Nappa: wanders the streets, looking for Radditz Vegeta: limps home like every Friday night Piccolo: at Gohan's house to sleep on the couch Goku: stuck at the bar with numerous girls on his lap Frieza: walks arm and arm with his 2 "minions"..... Cell: STILL trying to get rid of the clammy sensation where Frieza grabbed his butt