Interview Quotes

On whether or not working in a Woody Allen movie would prove to be a good chat-up line: "Sure. Hey-wanna come and meet Woody?"
- Premiere Interview December 1997

On his tattoo of a rooster on a noose: "See, it's supposed to be a hanging cock. If you put it on your calf, then you're supposed to have a low hanging... So really, I'm just an ass, because I didn't get the pun and I put it on my arm."
- Esquire Magazine, 1997

On seeing the movie Titanic: "I had a good time at Titanic, and I cried and blah blah blah, but Terminator is the film I'd watch over and over again."
- Esquire Magazine, 1997

On Steve Zahn and their characters in the movie Safe Men: "Wow, this guy can build stuff, barns and stuff. And I'm just like scared of going skiing. He uses power tools and shit. So, it immediately made me feel like I was the woman in that relationship. I'm the wife and he's the husband." - indiewire June 1998

On himself: "I'm definitely not a tough guy. "Safe Men" is more like the real me, probably, scared of everything. Or Jerry, I'm kind of a goofball like Jerry."
- indiewire June 1998

On getting naked in films: "If I did it any more it might become gratuitous."
- The San Francisco Chronicles July 6th, 1998

On how he "first" got into acting: "That's how I got into acting, re-creating the entire plot of movies with my little army men."
- The San Francisco Chronicles July 6th, 1998

On Robert DeNiro: "I was obsessed with DeNiro, I tried to emulate him. I thought I was Italian at one point. Yeah, I know, it's a stretch. Actually, I have a pretty muddish look. I can go Polish, I can go half-Jewish and half-Irish."
- Unknown source (Interview)

On getting picked for a role as an action hero: "I'd like to be an action hero, but I don't think they'd ever make me that type of leading man. I'm too quirky. If they put me in "Speed 3", two days later they'd go, "Yep, we're gonna have to fire him now. Can we get someone more mainstream?"
- Interview magazine February 1999

After asking the interviewer how old he looks:
"You really think I'm twenty-five?
TNT Rough Cut Q&A December 1999

On Mr jingles (the mouse from The Green Mile): "I would have liked to have stepped on him and then eaten him."
- TNT Rough Cut Q&A December 1999

On being called the ´indie boy`and the ´male Parker Posey`:
"It's really just a bunch of poppycock."
(I´m still getting over the fact that he actually used the word "poppycock")
W January 2000

On his name (Jimmy Silk) in the movie "Heist":
"It's probably the best name I've ever had."
- November 24, 2000

About taking his clothes off in the movies: "I cared, I went to the gym."
- Jane magazine, 2000

Craziest thing he did as a kid: "My mom told me I fell down a flight of stairs, landed on my head, got up and was fine. But maybe I wasn't so fine."
- Jane magazine, 2000

On his character in the movie "Heist":
"His name is Jimmy Silk. He doesn't fuck around."
- Jane magazine, 2000

Asked what superpower he would like: "I don't know, be able to just, just like bruce lee, just, just go like that, just, go ahead go, just put your hand on my chest (leif puts hand on sam's chest, sam flips backwards, off bed while doing swishy noises) like that, if i could do like that, just place my hand on the chest and just go flying across the room."
- Mr. 2001

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