My Friends
What me and my friends like to do:
   ~Go to the Beach
   ~Go to the Movies
   ~Work with French Club
   ~Hang at Starbucks
Andee - Andrea loves JOHNNY DEPP (as do I) so we go and see all of his movies.  Andee is the head of the ROTC program at our school.
Megan - The Blond, Megan loves to be CRAZY! She is the wild one in our group.
Amy - The other blond, Amy is our Drama
Dora - Dora is the smart one.  She takes the A classes.  But she can also contribute to the CRAZY in our group.
Lucy - Lucy is the other CRAZY one.  Her and Megan provide us with entertainment.
This is (L-R) Andee, Courtny, and Dora in front of our school.
This is me and Amy overlooking Nice, France.
Courtny - aka "Short Stuff" Courtny is a proud owner of a MUSTANG!  She also contributes to the craziness of our group.
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