Yes, it's me . . .  Sharon 
alias SaraConr 
Photo was taken in '91
The nickname started on IRC
when Oz and I used to chat 
in the #Politics rooms on 
Flashnet and Undernet
I first saw "The Terminator"
in my late 30's and I guess I
identified with one of the film's 
secondary themes - Sarah Connor's 
struggle against establishment

This was a snapshot 
taken in St. Augustine 
in March, '99
From left to right are:
Mama Blue, Curley, 
John Brown, Kenny, 
Spanky and me.  This
isn't a great picture of 
any of us and I will try 
to put up some photos 
from the reunion.

OK, here is a new photo.
Did you expect a smile?

Here is a not so great 
mp3 of me singing.
The music was sent to me
by a nice friend.

Here is a little
Russian Art song
"The Statue at Czarskoe Selo"
by Cesar Cui

Miniature Dollhouse


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