Spike and Buffy!!! Yay
So we've had B+A  B+R,  S+D, S+H  but now S+B, it's wierd cause I actually want them to get together, I kinda feel sorry for Spike plus It'd be dead funny.
Buffy and Riley I started off not liking Riley cause I'm a major BA believer also I didn't really like the whole Initiative deal it was kinda boring, but as we go into season 5 I really like him, Iv'e heared rumors that riley dies or moves away it was obvious Buffy and Riley wouldn't  last but I would of liked him to stick around,..what am I saying, Buffy and Angel forever.
Buffy and Angel, Buffy's true love and Angels as we've found out Angel confessed that even with Darla his sire he never felf true happiness, so I still believe Buffy and Angel will be together in the end --sad isn't it?-- From the very beginning of Buffy it was obvious Angel was going to mean more to Buffy than just a 'friend' and we were right. After all how could anyone resist someone that fitt?
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