
This chakra is popularly known as the third eye. The word Ajna means command. It is through this centre that the disciple in deeper states of mediation receives commands and guidance from the guru. It is symbolized by a silvery grey lotus with two petals and is located at the top of the spine directly behind the eyebrow centre. The petals represent the positive and negative energies which converge at this centre. The psychological state of intuition is associated with this Chakra. The Bija Mantra for Ajna Chakra is Om and the sounds of the two petals are Ham and Sham or Ha and Tha.

This Chakra is a very well known centre, which is used for concentration in many systems of meditation. Usually the point used for this purpose is the eyebrow centre, though actually the real seat of Ajna is within the brain. Its corresponding physical part of the body is the pineal gland. It is the famous eye of intuition and by stimulating Ajna Chakra one may increase all the faculties of the mind: intelligence, memory, will power and concentration.

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