
Anahata Chakra is the heart centre, being situated in the area of the spine at the level of the heart. Its element is air and it corresponds to the cardiac plexus. Anahata literally means ‘unstruck’. It is at this centre that one experiences the primordial sound, that which is the source of all sounds and which issues from beyond this material world. It is symbolized by a smoky blue lotus with twelve petals. On the physical level it is linked to the heart and lungs and the circulatory and respiratory systems. People suffering diseases originating from these systems or organs should concentrate on Anahata Chakra while doing asanas or other yogic practices. Its corresponding psychological state is that of altruism, love, and compassion. Bija Mantra for Anahata Chakra is Yam with the 12 lotus petal sounds, Ka, Kha, Ga. Gha, Nga, Cha Chha, Ja, Jha, Nya, Ta, Tha.

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