
Manipura means the ‘city of jewels’ and is located along the spine directly behind the navel. Its element is fire and it is depicted as a bright yellow lotus with ten petals. It corresponds to the solar plexus, which is chiefly concerned with the process of digestion and absorption of food. Manipura is the subtle centre which controls these activities as well as related glands and organs. It is the centre of vitality in the psychic and physical body. People who suffer laziness, sluggishness or malfunction of the digestive system should concentrate of Manipura and try to feel the heat and energy radiating from this region. Power is the psychological state corresponding with this

Chakra. In Manipura Chakra the Bija Mantra is Ram and the 10 petal sounds are Da, Dha, Na, Ta, Tha, Da, Dha, Na, Pa, Pha.

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