
It is the root centre symbolized by a deep red lotus with four petals. The chakra is positionally the lowest of the chakras being situated just below the base of the spine in the perennial body of the male and at the posterior wall of the cervix in the female body. Muladhara corresponds with the sacro-coccygeal plexus in the physical body. It is the seat or dwelling place of the primal energy, Kundalini Shakti. Kundalini is seen as a serpent in deep sleep coiled around the Swayambhu linga which unravels and travels upward through all the chakras via the Shushumna nadi at the time of spiritual awakening. Its element is earth and it’s corresponding psychological state in that of security. Its Bija Mantra is Lam and the sounds associated with the four lotus petals are Vam. Sam, Sham, Shham.

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