
This chakra is the centre of purification. It is here that yogis experience the sweet divine nectar known as amrita. It is depicted by a violet or purple lotus with sixteen petals located in the spinal region around the base of the throat. Its element is that of ether and it corresponds to the pharyngeal and laryngeal plexes. Vishuddhi Chakra influences the vocal chords and the region of the larynx, thyroid and parathyroid glands. Disorders in this area of the physical body can be remedied by concentrating on this centre. One may meditate on Vishuddhi Chakra by trying to feel that the cold, sweet drops of nectar are falling down into it and giving a feeling of blissful intoxication. The psychological state associated with Vishuddhi Chakra is communication, both the subtle and gross. The Bija Mantra for Vishuddhi is Ham and the sixteen petal sounds are the sixteen vowels of the Sanskrit alphabet, A, Aa, I, Ii, U, Uu, E, AI, O, OU, Ang, Aha, Rrir, Rrirr, Lrir, Lrirr.

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