Our Family Pets:
Fun Facts:
Chico's the dog

Sammy's the cat
Sammy is old. And is pretty much lazy all the time!
Chico he likes to torture Sammy.
Jed is our newest member, and is a kitten.
We also have a kitten named Jed. We have no picture of him at this time. I will add it when I get one.
Sammy spends most of his day hiding from Chico and Jed.
Chico will eat anything. My very first client and very first client Chico ran across the top of my desk and ate my check. It was embarrassing to have to go back and ask for another one.
Rhonda's Page

Rhonda's Bus Page

Joe's Page

Baby Caleb's Page

Caleb's Page

Family and Friends Page

Baby Grace's Page

E-mail Bob and Holly

E-mail Bob and JoAnn
Jed is a complete monster. He makes everything fall everywhere cause he can't stay off of things.
I'm very sad to say we had to find new homes for Sammy and Jed this summer 2003. They are in a good home and one we can visit.
Pet Links:
[email protected]     Rhonda

[email protected]       Joe

[email protected]     Caleb
If you are family or friend and would like to have something added to this page contact Rhonda.
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