Land Of the Damned Frozen North
The outer edge of the bitter cold is extending directly over head. There is cloud cover adding to the freezing tempertures to make it a world of its own. Emensedin the foggy ice lands. The cloud cover looks like a crust. Like we are in a massive pinkish purple cave, or.. that we are at the center of the Earth, prised of the hoax that has held us here, making our way from our deception�..
The dismal thickness gives way to a furious white swarm The snow against the sunrise is a fierce contradiction, but hardly a plague. This is the release. I think I understand the glee with which people embrace these days. The alternative is grey, it is a soup of cold, hard waiting.
Mist obscures the light and it would seem like deep darkness if I didn�t know better. Beyond those clouds is the evidence I�ve already known. Night after night I stand outside and stare, I let my eyes adjust as the sky seems like it will overflow with stars as I�m able to allow in more and more of their light. Why do we chase the stars? What is it that makes us obsess over them? Can we find a way to attribute some of that same wonder to our current residence, are we no less ? Are we a wonder to anyone? If there is someone out there who sees our blinking with any of the same type of wonder that we have when we look at the night sky� We are so drawn away from here. Like it is our nature to abandon ourselves. The Damned
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