No this is not your typical pentagram that you will see appear upon the flesh of satanists or abominations. This... strange runic emblem has something to do with the moons that your kind is connected to. If you're in this dreaded land for a span long enough that a moon should wane from view, descend and give way to another; this 'another' being 'your' moon, whichever it may be. I have witnessed many of them already. I have chronicled them, written what I can and watched their affect on the lands. They vary. Most notibly each seems to target a certain creature type or several when at its fullest, that is for another time though. What I speak of now is this strange eldritch marking that seems to have appeared upon those whom are trapped in this land. Those like myself who enter here and are unable to leave (Unlike the unmarked who come and go as they please unmindful of the real dangers like blind sheep). Here the moons claim you the land claims you. Once you are of this world called by other locals the Damned Souls realm you are of this world, there as I've found out so far is no escape. At points I can slip into the spirit world; in some places the barriers are weakened but once I enter there is more barriers. These almost seem as if they were erected on purpose; someone powerful and twisted placed these to keep the 'prisoners' of this land held within. I'm rambling, let me return to what I was speaking of before. When washed in the full moonlight of whatever moon has claimed your kind an unspeakable pain will overcome you almost as if you're being burned by fire and cold at once agony strikes; I've witnessed several fall unconscious with this pain where as the stronger of us can bare it. My curiosity kept me on my feet, kept me watching when it happened to me. The mark seems to randomly locate upon a persons flesh but is unmistakeable a brand if you want to call it. Not elegant and beautiful, something crude and elemental placed on your flesh like a birthmark. A bite of the moon. The teeth marks of possession of my lady Luna's twisted sisters and cousins... Whatever their purpose I have noticed several times while out scouting into the darker parts of the land and near the mountains it began to glow and ache. Instinct and even the animals of the wild forewarned me of danger; I never see why it begins to light up and hurt but I know that it is because I'm being stalked like prey. Whatever it is that follows me is frightening and unnatural it doesn't smell of my kinds traditional enemy and never shows itself yet I know it means harm to any and all who bare the mark of the Damned... I take this now to the vampire lord I met. Shadow Cross, I figure he and his kind are stuck here just as mine; this threat in the darkness is more then we are to one another. Always is the unseen more a threat, so it is better to have allies to watch your flank then enemies in all directions. Be warned whoever reads this... this mark is not a gift. It is your collar to this wretched poisoned land. Take not anything I've said here lightly, perhaps it will help you survive

~ DreamKiLLeR, Alpha of the Mist Walkers and Moon Scribe to the land of Damned Souls
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