Over the railings and down below lies an oblong rug some twelve feet across and three times as long, stretching nearly to the perimeters of the hardwood floor... reading tables line one wall, plush parlor chairs the other (save the space reserved for a pianoforte that will reside there some day)...
This chamber as high against the heavens as the building would allow. Row after row of mullioned shelves, Lined with books,and even went so far as to angle down to form half of one of the  walls.
Back To Entrance
Moons of The Damned
Hand gilding adorns many of the canvas-covered walls, with ethereal murals, scagliola faux marble columns and detailed artwork echoing century-old brushstrokes. Russian impressionist originals accent the decor, while the flicker of the mansion's several fireplaces and antique lighting casts a subtle spotlight on the grandeur of the row upon row of books.
Maps of the Land of the Damned
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