There are 3 major types of Eating Disorders Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa and Binging.

Here are some signs of Anorexia/Bulimia:

Feeling fat yet they are very thin.
Obsessed with weight loss.
Not eating enough.
Exercise a lot.
Have no or illregular menstual periods.
Have dull hair or brittle nails,very fine hair on arms leges torso.
Feeling tired or cold all the time.
Wearing really baggie cloths to hide body shape.
Gain and lose weight often.
No weight gain even when eatting.
Make excuses to use the bathroom after meals.
Have cuts and scrapes on hands and fingers from purging.
Tooth decay from stomach acids.
Develop osteoporosis, dehydration, malurtritoion all can cause serious harm or death.
Then theres
PURGING, it's when you force yourself to vomit, misuse laxatives and/or diuretics.

Bing eating disorder and other Eating Disorders:

Eat a lot of food in a short time without purging.
Become Obese.
Always on a diet or eating very little.
Grazing..... eating small amounts all day long even when not hungry.
Spitting food out after chewing it.
Not eating in the day and Binging at night.

Some reasons people can get Eating disorders include(there may be more as everyone is different):

Poor self-esteem and a negative body image.
Need for control. Sometimes all we have left to control is ourselves.
In teenagers it may start as an attention getter or rebelling.
Perfectionists, even in how they look, not just in what they do.
Stress, depression, anxiety, despair and anger.
Some athletic's or family history.
There is new research that suggests that abnormal levels of certain brain chemicals may trigger eating disorders.

Common symptoms of all 3:

Lacking control over food.
Obsessing about what they eat.
Eating alone or in hiding.
Going into isolation.
Hiding, stealing or throwing away food.
Basic denial of not having a problem.

There is help out there.... here are a few:

National Eating Disorders Organization or NEDO OK 1-918-481-4044
National Associaion of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders or ANDA IL
American Anorexia/Bulimia Association,Inc AABA NY 1-212-575-6200
Overeaters Anonymous Nm 1-505-891-2664
Center for the Study of Anorexia and Bulimia NY 1-121-333-3444

This web site is not meant to be a substitute for any kind of professional help. It is merely put together by a survivor who has found much of this information
helpful to her healing and offered as a possible help to others.

If you feel you need a professional to speak with please contact your local rape crisis center, health care professional or if its an emergency please call 911.

I claim no responsibility for the use of these page's, use of content, or content of any links leading from this page. These pages are offered for support to other
survivors, informational, and entertainment only. Remember that this is just for reference and that this page is not meant to be a substitute for any kind of professional help.

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