Thanks Delissca for the invite!!!! I am SO happy to be here, and hope that I can make some new friends on here.


Where to start...well you can call me Jules. I am married as of Feb. 14th, 2003. A newbie, yep a 1st marriage. However, I have 2 children that are my own before I met my husband. Kyra, my daughter, is soon to be 10 Sept. 29th, and Devin, my son, is 6. Kyra is living with my parent's as they are her guardians (long story), and Devin is living with his father at this time (another long story).


I have been on my medications for 2 1/2 yrs. now, and that is a record for me. I am seeing a psychiatrist, a therapist, and going to 2 local support groups. The one group is called Double Trouble, and it is for people that have dual diagnosis, mental illnesses with either alcohol or drugs. It is a great group!! They have been lifesavers for me. However, I look forward to this one and hope that I can be of help to someone or to let ya see my wild side. LOL I have just been diagnosed with BiPolar Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Seasonal Affectiveness Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, ADHD, and Co-Dependency.


I have suffered with these illnesses all my life, and FINALLY have a clue about what is wrong with me. It has been a long dark and gloomy road, but I am starting to see some light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak. I have my good days, and I have my bad days. Most of the time the bad outweighs the good, but I try to remain as positive as I possibly can. Even though I feel like it is the end of my world as it is.


Had a blowout with my parent's AGAIN!!!! They are TOTALLY clueless on what my life is like on a daily basis. Their answer to my illness is that I am just depressed, most people are, just pick yourself up, and keep going. Yeah, as if I can get the motivation to get my butt out of bed!!!! They are in MAJOR DENIAL!!!! My mother feels that I am very intelligent and talented, so why can't I just snap out of it? At this time we are not speaking, which means that I don't have any contact with my daughter Kyra. When my mother gets on one of her tirades, there is NO talking reason to this woman. In the end my daughter is the one that suffers, as well as I do. I miss her SO much. I miss my son as well, cuz he isn't living in that great of a situation with his dad, either. I worry about them both, and I was upset today about it all.


I was TOTALLY screwed by Social Services in this whole mess, and I feel TOTALLY discriminated against. I feel SO sad, and I miss their hugs and kisses. I miss hearing them say, "I Love You, Mom!". Just one of my "blue" days. *sighs* Didn't mean to ramble on this way. I am currently taking Depakote 500mg 2 at PM, Wellbutrin 100mg 1/day, & Ambien 10mg at PM. Just got them changed, was on Lithium, Zoloft, & Trazadone. Wasn't doing anything for me, really. So, they were changed. Always a trial, and waiting to see what works best. Thanks for listening. Blessings and love to all. Jules

Well, I tend to get hit by the procrastinator monster, so I decided I had best nip it in the bud, and do it. LOL I have an inquiring mind as well, and suspense is a killer!! LOL I'm sorry to hear about the hard times with your daughter, but I do know all about "playing the game". Sad, but true.

Thanks for the congrats!! I am a lucky gal, and my hubby is the greatest!! <hehehe> I love him very much, and yes he is a romantic. He actually proposed to me on Valentine's Day of 2002, and a year later we got married. We got married at the restaurant that he proposed to me at. My father is a minister, and he married us there. Just my hubby, me, my daughter Kyra, my parents, and his parent's. Then, April 26th we had a 2nd wedding ceremony for all of the out of state relatives, friends, and church members. It was lovely, and both of my children were in our wedding. I was SO proud of them, they did such a great job!!! Not like I'm bragging, though. LOL

I am not working at this time, and haven't been since last October. My illness has been wreaking havoc with my emotional and physical health, and is continuing to be a struggle for me.

I haven't been hospitalized, but wondering when that monster will rear it's ugly head.

I look forward to our friendship, and I hope that I can be a line of support for you, my dear one. I am here for you, and please feel free to e-mail me. I can't remember if I left my # or not, so let me know. If I didn't I shall give it to ya dear. Well, enough rambling...LOL

Take Care, and blessings to you, Jules



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