I am sorry it has taken me so long to get this in. Diving back in to even part of my story is tough for me. I don't even know where to begin really...but here goes...LOL

My name is Leslie, I am newly divorced. A marriage that was no good for me, or the kids, they just haven't realized it yet. They are having such a hard time right now. I have 2 girls, 12, and almost 7.(her birthday is Wednesday), and a boy, 4. I was diagnosed bipolar back in 1989 0r 90. (exact dates tend to be difficult for me)..LOL. The last time I saw my therapist was right after my youngest was born. I can't afford her anymore since I don't have any medical insurance right now. My medical doctor describes Paxil for me, which I know, some say it is the wrong drug for bipolar. But for me it is affordable, and I do feel it takes the edge off the depression. It is doing something for me because without it I can't get out of bed or stop crying.

I just recently divorced my husband of 12 years. It has been a tough ride for me this summer, but I made it so far. I am happier now. Sometimes staying happy is a chore when the kids are going through all they are. I have my oldest in counseling right now. She went from an A student to failing this year. She was diagnosed ADHD back in the 4th grade. I think she may be bipolar also. They are now checking into that. The divorce has really made big changes in her recently also. I feel lost at trying to get it together. I keep trying everyday. I have a job I love ( which I am truly
thankful for). Holding onto jobs has been difficult for me in the past. I always ended up getting in a mood and quitting, suddenly leaving everyone to wonder what happened and what is wrong. This time I have found my place in the working world. And being at work for me, right now, makes me happier than anything else. It is my escape I guess. Just wish I could get back to being a good mom. Or should I say, I am a good mom, but my kids are questioning me right now. Well, the girls are anyway. My son says to me "Mom I will never let anyone hurt you" as he hugs me. He is my light right now.


Well, I guess this is a start at getting to know everyone again. Del and Lauren both know how hard these intros are for me...LOL. I am so glad to be back. Thanks for letting me be a part of the group again. I have needed you all. I will try to get some more pictures of me and my family in here soon.


Well, he has the house for now because I knew I wouldn't be able to afford the house payments. Since I left they are foreclosing on the house. I am renting a house. As for the kids, we both decided on shared residential custody for now. I just wanted to do what would make the kid’s happy. As far as I know he does alright with the kids now. In fact, he does better with them now than he ever did. I am glad for that. But I still have my eyes open.


I am working in dietary at a nursing home. I just love the residents and the people I work with are great. I had to cut my hours back because my oldest daughter was having problems and I needed to make sure I was here for her in the mornings. Everything as far as how we are getting along changes constantly. I just try to get by day by day.



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