Hello everyone!!!


Thank you for the warm welcome!!! Here’s a little bout myself: I'm 25 yrs old I have been divorced no kids welllll..... I have a mastiff a min pin a ferret a fish a cat and one horse actually 2 if I buy my brothers horse who I am in the process of training.

I was diagnosed with rapid cycling {by the hour sometimes by the week} bipolar disorder 3 yrs ago. I have been on many prescription drugs but ended up feeling better on wellbutrin, Seroquel, and Topomax until 3-1/2 months ago. I ended up cycling extremely rapid practically every so many minutes for 3 months I was miserable and the Dr. upped my doses on Topomax and Wellbutrin. I didn't do any better-for me it was a life or death situation so I quit all my meds except Seroquel {so I can sleep at night}. I have been off my meds for about 3wks and so far I feel as "normal" as they come-it feels good!

In my mind I wonder if I was misdiagnosed as bp and I’ll tell a why. I know it's VERY early yet but I wonder if the drugs I was taking for bp were not letting me feel what I should normally feel. At the time of diagnoses I had several bad things happening 1-my husband wanted to see other people so a divorce was in progress 2-my grandfather and other family disowned me as family because during the divorce I attempted suicide and my boyfriend now of 3yrs rescued me and my family thought I was just having an affair-they didn't know the whole story about the suicide attempt 3-my 13 yr old brother hit a truck with a motorized dirt bike he was about to make a jump on-they hit head on at 45mph-he luckily survived with several broken bones and many months of health care and has made a total recovery other than the steel rods and pins throughout his body!! And last but not least my ex husband was fairly popular in our small town and his friends did a lot of talking and nasty gestures to and about me around town so I was afraid to go anywhere because of the circumstances of everything!!!!

So that's my bad 3yrs of life BUT now I wonder if at the time I was misdiagnosed thinking maybe I had a severe nervous breakdown that lasted a while and once put on meds my body wanted to feel better but the drugs didn't allow it. Maybe I’m high hoping but my thoughts are now positive with the way I been feeling and though it's VERY early if I make it through this whole year feeling"normal" I will believe in my heart and soul that I am not bp-we'll just have to see!!!

Well that's my story!

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