The Problem:

Most people who kill themselves believe that suicide is the only solution to their overwhelming feelings. They are attracted to the idea because of the promise of finally being free of their overwhelming feelings. Tragically, these feelings of intense emotional distress prevent them from investigating alternative
solutions...yet other solutions almost always exist.

Because each person's emotional makeup is unique, each of us responds to situations differently. I may be overwhelmed by something you would shrug your
shoulders at, and vice-versa. If I am overwhelmed, however, it doesn
t matter how YOU see my problemif I feel overwhelmed, there is danger that suicide may seem an attractive solution.

There are Signs:

About three fourths of all people committing suicide give some clue as to their intentions before they make an attempt. Becoming aware of these clues and the
seriousness to the person of their problems can help prevent this tragedy from happening. If a friend or co-worker is going through a particularly stressful situation watch for signs (or clues) that they are approaching a crisis. In general, statements describing feelings of depression, helplessness, extreme loneliness, and/or hopelessness may suggest they are having suicidal thoughts. It is important to listen to these clues because they are usually desperate attempts to communicate to others the need to be understood and helped.

Very often persons thinking about suicide have changes in their behavior. They may prepare for death by giving away prized possessions, making a will, or putting other affairs in order. Sometimes the depression will cause them to withdraw from those around them, change their eating or sleeping patterns, or to lose interest in prior activities or relationships. If there is a sudden lift in
their spirits, this could be a danger sign, as it may indicate the person already feels a sense of relief knowing they have a plan set in motion for suicide.


Are YOU Considering Suicide?

If you are toying with the idea of death, dying, suicide, or suicide by cop (committing a crime with a weapon and getting killed by police in the process) - please do one or more of the following:

Wondering if you are depressed or at risk of doing something desperate? Take this quiz to give you an idea about your need for intervention:

I know the problem does not feel temporarybut isnt it worth the effort to try to find a solution? Here is an open letter to you, asking you to hold on long
enough to consider alternatives. Won
t you read it?

Call your psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist, counselor, medical doctor, or pastor and tell them what is happening with you. BE HONEST.

Call a friend to come and stay with you until the feeling passes or until you can get help. If your friend suggests help, trust their judgement.

Here is a list of Crisis Centers you can call. Give yourself a chance to see what tomorrow can bring in the way of a new idea, a new solution, a new thought.

This is the American Society of Suicidology's up to date list of Suicide Crisis Centers by State (Canadian and some Foreign sites as well)
Go to the nearest psychiatric clinic, mental health center or emergency room of a hospital and tell them you are not sure you are safe from self-harm. Check out suicide prevention places on the net. Here is the most comprehensive site on the www for suicide information and help: - Mental Health Net
Call 911. Tell them you are considering suicide. They will send help to you.


Dial someone you know locally or use one of the numbers on your speed anyone that can talk to you or come and stay with you until you are able to get other help.


You Can Make A Difference:

If you think someone you know may be suicidal, you should:

Remain calm
Take time to sit and listen to what the person is saying. Give understanding and emotional support for his or her feelings.

Deal directly with the topic of suicide
Few people want to die at the most they have mixed feelings about it. Most are open to an alternative if one can be found. Don't be afraid to ask them if they are considering suicide.

Encourage problem solving and positive actions
- Remember that the person in an emotional crisis is not thinking clearly, so encourage him/her to avoid making
any serious, irreversible decisions while in a crisis. If they can hold on a little longer, there is a chance that solutions can be found.

Get assistance
- Although you want to help, do not take the responsibility for their life upon yourself. Seek out those who can give qualified help, even if it means breaking a confidence. Let the troubled person know you are concerned--so concerned that you are willing to arrange help beyond that which you can offer.

Want To Help Someone At The End Of Their Rope?

Here are some sources that can help dispel the myths of suicide and help equip you with the knowledge and courage to help save the life of a friend in trouble: Myths About Suicide Mental Health Net- The most comprehensive site on the www for suicide information and help Depression and Suicide FAQs Suicide Prevention

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