Hi All

Del has asked me to rehash my story of love, betrayal and the bipolar disorder that brought us back together. How's that for a start???


ME: Well adjusted...happy go lucky...can do attitude...oh...yeah...I'm supposedly "disabled"....lol

HOW: Just me a frappuccino & a big flight of metal stairs. I was a dancer...although I've always had a "grace" problem when it came to walking & chewing gum at the same time. SO, working for a MAJOR coffee company (*$'s) I was on my way to the big city (BOSTON) to "direct" a cheerleading team for a national conference (against my wishes I might add). See...everyone that I worked for & with were under the age of...um...about 22...& here I am the "mommy" of the company...almost...can you say...good lord...I was 45 when it happened (the only other person in their 40's working for this company is the CEO). Anyway...I swear the stairs just said...Zippy...fall...& I did...my knee popped (LOUD) & got stuck in motion. I developed a "disease" called arthrofibrosis, because all of the ligaments immediately got trapped in the joint & scarred down against the bone. I've had...let me count...well....in two weeks it'll be my 8th surgery(it's been a 5 year battle)...& countless of other "procedures" (don't ask...LOL). I was told that I'd probably lose the ability to walk & end up in a wheelchair. Well...that just wasn't doable for me. SO...NOW...I'm teaching aqua-aerobics classes at the YMCA (so poo on them). OH...& this was a worker's comp issue...so...I've had the great pleasure of being hauled into court on a regular basis and have had to fight for every little med, procedure, surgery, etc....but, what else do I have to do...oh yeah...take care of....


HIM: Husband of 23 years....always a big "moody"..lol....sometimes hard to take...sometimes loads of fun....but them one day (well, not really just ONE DAY)...........


BACKGROUND SCENARIO: We live in this beautiful New England town. The school system is great, the people all have gobs & gobs of $$$$ &...well it's perfect (it's Stepford alright...). Hubby owns his own business...actually it's his...hmmm 3rd business...lost the other two...oh well, we always pick up & start again...no big deal...never took a good look at what happened (until now). Anyway...hubby is a wholesale automobile dealer. He buys cars for other dealers to sell on their lots with their $$$$. He travels to Orlando every week (leaves on Sun or Mon & comes home on Thurs). He started coming back...less & less....needing to stay, was costing too much to go back & forth. I knew something was wrong. I could hear it (just ignored it)...UNTIL.....gonna keep you hanging

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