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1 Mr. Deeds
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3 Minority Report
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6 Hey Arnold! The Movie
7 The Sum of All Fears
8 Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood
9 Windtalkers
10 Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones


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A Chat With The Windtalkers

May 31, 2002
: Nick Nunziata interviews director John Woo and actors Christian Slater and Roger Willie about the upcoming WWII film "Windtalkers". 

Anderson Denies Practice Role

May 31, 2002
From Sci Fi Wire
: Former X-Files star Gillian Anderson is denying the rumor that she'd appear in the TV series The Practice next season. The rumor first appeared on the Lycos website.

Matrix Reloaded Release Date Changes

May 31, 2002
From Cinescape
: The Matrix Reloaded has been moved up in the schedule. The sequel will debut on May 15, 2003.  

From Hell DVD Review

May 30, 2002
: The site reviews the DVD, movie and added features for the Hughes Brothers movie starring Johnny Depp, Heather Graham and based on the graphic novel by Alan Moore and Eddie Campbell.

Buffy Trolls For Emmy

May 30, 2002
From Sci Fi Wire
: Buffy producers are placing DVD copies of "One More, With Feeling" into subscription copies of Variety as part of a promotion for the Emmy Awards. Previous episodes such as "Hush" and "The Body" have failed to win at the awards show.

Become An XBox Live Beta Tester

May 30, 2002
From Beta News
: Microsoft will be testing the XBox Live online subscription service over the summer. For more information read the entire article or go to the XBox Live Beta Page.

Stewart Says Star Trek: Nemesis Is Not The Last

May 29, 2002
From Cinescape
: Patrick Stewart is optimistic about the continuation of the Next Generation Trek film franchise. Though he admits that the film does have a sense of closure to it.

Ellis Talks Matrix Chase

May 29, 2002
From Sci Fi Wire
: David Ellis, the 2nd unit director on the Matrix sequels talks about the massive freeway chase sequence filmed in Northern California last year.

Clones Behind Phantom Menace

May 29, 2002
From ComingSoon!: Starting Tuesday the latest Star Wars prequel, Attack of the Clones, has fallen behind it's predecessor The Phantom Menace in total box-office revenue.

Lucas Sets Out Indy 4 Timeline

May 28, 2002
From Cinescape
: George Lucas gave out some info and hints about the upcoming Indiana Jones film. He said that a writer was soon to be chosen and gave a possible date for filming to begin. Also hinted were some casting of characters and the time period in which the film would be set.

The Sets of The Matrix

May 28, 2002
: Smilin' Jack Ruby reports from the sets in Sydney, Australia of the Matrix sequels. SJR gives a photo tour of locations used in the original Matrix film.

Harry Potter Book 5 Date Set

May 28, 2002
From Cinescape
: Scholastic Publishing has apparently set the new release date for J.K. Rowling's "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" as June of 2003.

Spielberg In The Twilight Zone

May 27, 2002
From Wired: Director Steven Spielberg takes on the Philip K. Dick story "Minority Report", sidesteps his typical happy ending, talks about our technological responsibilities, about the problems with filming digitally and the subtle use of visual effects in his latest film.

Lucas On Original Star Wars Trilogy DVDs

May 27, 2002
From ComingSoon!: George Lucas discusses whether or not the original versions of the trilogy will be included on the DVD along with the special editions. He also answers why the droids don't recognize Darth Vader and Natalie Portman's new scenes added to Return of the Jedi.

Reeves Teases Matrix Sequels

May 26, 2002
From Sci Fi Wire
: Keanu Reeves tells that his character in The Matrix sequels will be facing some stiff competition. Also, producer Joel Silver brags that the special effects sequences are so great that they'll "never be copied".

Freakylinks Showrunner To Oversee Angel

May 26, 2002
From Ain't It Cool News
: David Simkins, a writer/producer with a less than stellar track record will replace David Greenwalt on Angel. Greenwalt is leaving the Buffy spin-off series to work on the ABC paranormal series "Miracles".

Chris Columbus Out of Harry Potter 3?

May 26, 2002
From ComingSoon!
: It seems director Chris Columbus is out of the Harry Potter film franchise after Harry Potter is released. The article names his likely replacement for the third film and gives an update on the status of the fifth book.

Lucas Defends Star Wars Symbolism

May 26, 2002
From Cinescape
: George Lucas defends the use of symbolic and mythic elements in the latest Star Wars prequels. Admits that fans of the original trilogy might have been put off by aspects of the story like Anakin's miracle birth and the midichlorians.

Professor X Gets New Students

May 26, 2002
: Two actors have been added to the cast of Bryan Singer's X-Men sequel. The Mutants Nightcrawler and Pyro will join Wolverine, Storm and the others for X-Men 2. The sequel is expected to begin filming in Vancouver starting next month.


[ May 2002 ] June 2002 ]

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