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Admiral Ackbar - Mon Calamari commander of the Rebel Fleet. Ackbar is a symbol to the rest of the galaxy: a symbol that the Alliance is fighting for everyone, no matter what their background or origin. The Empire, in contrast, has made discrimination against non-humans a longstanding policy. Ackbar comes from the ocean world of Mon Calamari and was once the slave of Grand Moff Tarkin.

Anakin Skywalker - The father of Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa. Anakin, as a young boy, lived in the slave quarters of Mos Espa, on the planet Tatooine. A natural mechanic, he had a keen intuition with equipment and machinery. He worked as a slave in Watto's junkyard but dreamt of becoming a starpilot and longed for a world of adventure. He was rescued from slavery by the Jedi Knight Qui-Gon Jinn and soon after became the padawan learner of Obi-Wan Kenobi.

For a decade Anakin was trained by Obi-Wan in the ways of the Force. Against the rules of the Jedi, Anakin fell in love with Padmé and they secretly married. Anakin Skywalker became one of the youngest warriors of the Clone Wars, fighting alongside such heroes as Kenobi and Bail Organa. But as his Force talents developed, he was lured by Senator Palpatine and others to the dark side, which eventually seduced and consumed him. He became the powerful Dark Lord of the Sith, known as Darth Vader.

Beru Lars - Formerly Beru Whitesun. She first met Anakin Skywalker and Padmé just before the Clone Wars when Anakin returned to Tatooine to find his mother. She eventually was enlisted, with her husband Owen, to raise young Luke Skywalker on the desolate planet of Tatooine.

Boba Fett - Boba Fett, a bounty hunter who wears the armor of the Mandalorians, a group of fearsome warriors who were defeated by the Jedi Knights. His armor includes a helmet with a macrobinocular viewplate, motion and sound sensors, infrared capabilities, an internal comlink with his ship, and a broad-band antenna for intercepting and decoding transmissions; wrist gauntlets that house lasers, a miniature flame projector, and a fibercord whip/grappling device; a back-pack jet pack with a turbo-projected magnetic grappling hook with a 20-meter lanyard; knee-pad rocket dart launchers, spiked boots, a concussion grenade launcher and an EE-3 rifle. 

Boba Fett was cloned from the DNA of his father the bounty hunter Jango Fett. He assisted his father in the cloning of an army of stormtroopers, which were used in the outset of the Clone Wars. Many years later he collected the bounty on Han Solo and delivered the former smuggler to Jabba the Hut. On the planet Tatooine, Boba Fett was defeated by Han Solo and fell into the mouth of the monstrous Sarlacc.

Boss Nass - Ruler of the underwater Gungan society of Ooth Gunga, he controlled one of the galaxy's most powerful armies.

C3PO - C-3PO is a protocol droid that was built piece by piece by young Anakin Skywalker on Tatooine, with parts taken from a variety of sources. Although constructed from used and reconditioned materials, C-3PO is meticulously assembled, following the structure of a standard Cybot Galactica protocol droid model as closely as possible. Years later, while serving as a diplomatic protocol droid aboard Princess Leia's starship Tantive IV, C-3PO is unwillingly drawn into his counterpart R2-D2's quest to find the Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Chewbacca - The 200 year-old Wookie from the planet Kashyyyk is a pilot and mechanic. Chewbacca was an Imperial slave who was rescued by Han Solo and owes Han a life debt. A loyal friend to Corellian smuggler Han Solo, Chewbacca is his co-pilot  aboard the Millennium Falcon.

Count Dooku - A former Jedi Knight. One of the "Lost Twenty", Jedi Knights that have left the order over the years. After leaving the Jedi Knights, he remained hidden in seclusion for many years before reemerging as the leader of a separatist movement against the Old Republic.

Darth Maul - Darth Maul is the fearsome Sith apprentice to Darth Sidious. Maul, whose real name is Khameir Sarin, is from a species called "Zabrak". Darth Sidious discovered the young Force user on the Zabrak homeworld, Iridonia, when Khameir was just twelve years old. Sidious forced the lad to lay a trap for some of his friends. This ambush ended up killing seven Jedi Knights, and the after effects transformed Sarin into the second of the two Dark Lords of the Sith.

Darth Sidious - The evil Sith Lord who orchestrated the Trade Federation invasion of Naboo. Intent on destroying the Jedi Order and expanding his own power. He also manipulated the events leading up to the Clone Wars.

Darth Tyranus - The apprentice to Darth Sidious. He replaced Darth Maul as Sidious' student and instructed bounty hunter Jango Fett to create the clone army on Kamino. He battled Yoda in a lightsaber duel on Geonosis at the start of the Clone Wars.

Darth Vader - A former Jedi Knight, Vader was formerly the pupil of Obi-Wan Kenobi in the days of the Old Republic, learning the ways of the Force. Impatient with Obi-Wan's teachings, Vader chose a different way of using the Force, and followed the temptations of the dark side of this power. Corrupted and turned evil, he betrayed his mentor and helped the Emperor hunt down and destroy the Jedi, leaving the terrible regime of the New Order unopposed.

Grand Moff Tarkin - Governor of the Imperial Outland Regions, and a dreaded servant of Emperor Palpatine. Tarkin formulated the infamous Imperial doctrine of rule through fear, and has been the primary force behind the construction of the galaxy's ultimate weapon, the planet-destroying Death Star.

Han Solo - Corellian smuggler and pilot of the Millennium Falcon. He grew up as on orphan on Corellia and after spending his youth as a thief, he bought his way into the Imperial Academy. He was discharged from service after saving the life of Chewbacca, a Wookie slave. He later won his ship, the Millennium Falcon from Lando Calrissian in a game of sabacc. Along with his co-pilot, the Wookie Chewbacca became hunted by bounty hunters after dumping a shipment owned by the criminal Jabba the Hut, who put a price on Han's head.

Jabba The Hut - One of the galaxy's top criminal under lords, Jabba the Hutt has been in charge of a major criminal empire since he was about 600 years old. He moved to Tatooine and established himself at a palace built around the ancient monastery of B'ommar monks. He is a extremely intelligent and ruthless criminal mind but in his later years became fat, living a life of debauchery in his palace.

Jango Fett - A bounty hunter sporting Mandalorian armor. His DNA was used as a template in the creation of an army of storm troopers during the Clone Wars. Jango Fett fought Obi-Wan Kenobi in the clone facilities of Kamino and later battled the Jedi Knights in the arena on the planet Geonosis.

Jar-Jar Binks - Jar-Jar was an outcast from the underwater society of Ooth Gunga on the planet Naboo. He eventually became a representative of the Gungans to the Galactic Senate.

Lando Calrissian - A soldier-of-fortune and a high-stakes player, Lando Calrissian has long had a love-hate relationship with Han Solo. The suave Calrissian owned the Millennium Falcon before losing it to Han in a game of sabacc. But not long after, he won something of great value in another sabacc game: Bespin's Cloud City, where he took over as Baron Administrator.

Leia Organa - Leia Organa was raised as the daughter of Viceroy and First Chairman of the planet Alderaan, Bail Organa. She became the youngest Senator in galactic history, even as Palpatine committed more and more atrocities in the name of pacifying the galaxy.
She was at the heart of many of the Rebel Alliance's most secret missions, using her consular ship, the Tantive IV to travel throughout the galaxy with diplomatic immunity.

Luke Skywalker - Luke's childhood was spent helping his aunt and uncle on their moisture farm on Tatooine and becoming a skillful pilot in his T-16 Skyhopper, shooting womp rats with good friends such as Biggs Darklighter. He had hoped to enter the Academy with Biggs, but his uncle Owen Lars has held him back.

Mace Windu - The head of the respected Jedi Council, Mace Windu rarely left the Jedi Temple. Windu regularly confers with Yoda and the ten other members of the Council on the balance of the Force and the general affairs of the Jedi Knights. He led the Jedi into battle in the arena on Geonosis during the beginning of the Clone Wars.

Mon Mothma - As a representative in the Galactic Senate, she was one of the youngest members ever elected. She served with vigor and integrity, and was a leader of those forces opposed to the growing power of Senator Palpatine. After her secret involvement with the Rebellion was discovered, only a tip from Bail Organa allowed her to escape from Coruscant just ahead of the Imperial secret police.

Obi-Wan Kenobi - Trained by Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi was an excellent apprentice. Obi-Wan's first meeting with the boy Anakin Skywalker on Tatooine sets him on a path of destiny that will have tremendous repercussions for the entire galaxy.

Kenobi later traveled the galaxy as a Jedi Knight and defender of the Old Republic. His investigation of the assassination attempt on Senator Amidala led to uncovering evidence which led to the beginning of the Clone Wars. He eventually rose to become a General in the Clone Wars, fighting alongside legendary figures such as Bail Organa of Alderaan.
He eventually took on a student whom he trained in the ways of the Jedi, but lost him to the dark side of the Force. The boy became the evil Darth Vader, turned against the Jedi, and helped the Emperor hunt down and destroy the Jedi protectors of the Old Republic.

Years later he was contacted by Princess Leia Organa to help her in her fight against the Empire. He enlisted young Luke Skywalker to go with him to Alderaan. After discovering that Princess Leia had been captured, Obi-Wan battled Vader while the others escaped the Death Star space station.

Owen Lars - Guardian of Luke Skywalker, Owen is a moisture farmer. There is constant tension between Luke and Owen as the youth wants to leave for pilot training at the Academy like his friends.

Padmé Amidala - The former Queen, who ruled the Naboo people from her palace in the capital city of Theed. Despite the fact that the planet Naboo is ruled by a Queen, it is not a hereditary monarchy -- the monarch is elected. After the world's King Veruna abdicated his throne, the planet needed a new leader. At the tender age of 12, Amidala, who was raised by humble parents in a small mountain village, was crowned the princess of Theed. 

Padmé eventually was elected as Senator, representing the Naboo people. She spoke out against the growing militarism within the Old Republic. She was the victim of assassination attempts immediately prior to the beginning of the Clone Wars. She secretly married Anakin Skywalker after the battle on Geonosis.

Palpatine - As a sectorial senator, Palpatine held a seat in the Main Senate Chamber on Coruscant, skillfully defending the interests of the systems he represents, including the Naboo people of his homeworld. He worked to force out Chancellor Valorum and was elected to replace him. 
He was given powers as Supreme Chancellor to stop a growing separatist movement within the Republic. However, when Palpatine achieved leadership of the Galactic Senate, his true nature as a power-hungry tyrant became apparent as he introduced the New Order and declared himself Emperor. In time the Jedi were destroyed, the Senate was disbanded and he became the undisputed ruler of the most powerful empire the galaxy had ever seen. 

Admiral Piett - First Officer on Darth Vader's flagship Executor, Captain Piett aided Admiral Ozzel in overseeing the crew, as well as helping to direct the entire fleet. He was given a battlefield promotion to Admiral and entrusted with command of the flagship and the fleet after Admiral Ozzel makes a fatal mistake at the beginning of the Imperial assault on the Rebel base on Hoth.

Qui-Gon Jinn - An accomplished Jedi Master, Qui-Gon Jinn travels the galaxy to protect the citizens of the Republic and uphold justice from system to system. Other Jedi Masters often use Jinn's focused sensitivity to the Force as an example for their pupils. He was once under consideration for a seat on the Jedi Council. However, he was passed over because he was considered too reckless and quick to action. Qui-Gon Jinn's own apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi, is always at his side, and learns from his wisdom and experience.

R2D2 - R2 series astromech utility droid, R2-D2 is designed to operate in deep space, interfacing with fighter craft and computer systems to augment the capabilities of ships and their pilots. The droid has two treaded legs to provide mobility, and a third leg that can drop down for extra stability on rough terrain. R2 also has floatation devices and a periscoping visual scanner which can guide the droid while he is submerged.

R2D2 served as an astro-droid for Queen Amidala when she was forced to flee Naboo through the Trade Federation blockade. He later served Senator Amidala and accompanied her on adventures during the Clone Wars.

He later was called upon by Senator Leia Organa to deliver a message to Obi-Wan Kenobi on Tatooine. Serving as Luke Skywalker's R2 unit, the brave little astro-droid helped out on many dangerous adventures.

Shmi Skywalker - Anakin Skywalker's mother, Shmi moved to Mos Espa, on the planet Tatooine, with her son Anakin. She was a slave of Gardulla the Hutt. But later, junkshop owner Watto won them in a pod racing bet. She was later bought by Cliegg Lars who gave her freedom and married her.

Watto - Watto is the owner of the largest junkshop in Mos Espa. He won the Skywalkers in a podracing bet from Gardulla the Hut.

Wicket - The young Ewok helps the Rebel forces during the monumental Battle of Endor.

Yoda - For more than 800 years, the diminutive Jedi Master had trained Jedi Knights in the ways of the Force. When Emperor Palpatine ordered his purge of the Jedi, Yoda went into hiding on Dagobah.


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