Paranormal Community

Paranormal "Magic Status"

If you'd like to join this community, "apply" to: [email protected], or click on the "Join Community" link.


    "Magic Caster of the Community" Application Rules

    You get an award for "Magic" Status.

  1. This community, and therefore "Magic Status" and its "Magic Award", is specifically for pages in our Community- any server, any size, any topic.

  2. The link, if accepted by the acting CG, will be displayed for a period of time to be determined by application popularity [eg. if I get 1000 applicants, I can't display you all at the same time!] You can feel free to apply more than once and for successive terms- but take heed- the CG will only display a copy of your link ONCE.

  3. "Magic Pages" (ie. those that get billing on the Paranormal Hub main page- stage right column) in this community must have something to do with anything paranormal; however, the page may have sections dedicated to other topics.

  4. To get "upgraded" to "Magic Status", one must a) first get accepted into the Community (eg. get to be displayed on our Recommended Links Listing) and b) get nominated by another i) a community member, ii) visitor to the community, iii) the CG, or iv) oneself if one is truly desparate (just kidding).

  5. Nominations must be sent to the acting CG. (ie. Kay)

  6. Awarded sites, besides getting a coveted spot on the HQ page, will also get an Award to display proudly on their pages BY EMAIL- hence, keep your email up to date! (just a little nudge of encouragement from me).

Para-Sci-Fi TV HQ

Contact CG Kay

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