Hello Dolly! As my good friend Louis would say. I'm glad you had the misfortune of discovering my web page, or site, or what have you. Enjoy your stay here. I'm your average teenager with a thing for Mama Cass, Bjork, and the Golden Girls. A lovely combination. Do You like dancing tomatoes? I sure do. Geez, I have a whole page to fill... Well, let me tell you about myself. I was born and bred in a small town in Wisconsin... Then I moved to an even smaller town in Wisconsin. I don't do much, but it's fun. I'm homeschooled, I dogsit ocassionally, and I like to read pamphlets. Other than pamphlets, I like to read Agatha Christie Novels.My fingers bend backward, too. It's pretty cool. I like to collect things... I have no idea what I'm gonna put on this page... I don't have a scanner, but I made quite a few cool pictures on the computer. Most of them were destroyed, although I've sent a few to some people. They usually like them... I think I'll have a page of links. Does that sound good to you? Speaking of links, I like sausages. But enough about meat. I have two dogs named Angel and Sam. I have a new bird that I like to call Evil, but his name is JayJay. My favorite pet is my cat I sometimes call Magoot. She's a dark siamese, and she's big and fat. I think that's all I have to say right now. Enjoy my page.
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