A  Rose  By  Any  Other  Name
Should  Smell  As  Sweet....

For years, woman have been the ones to
purchase air freshners, strong perfumes and scented candles.
Why ?

Because she has to....if she is living with a man....
How many times have you had a man walk up to
you and say "Pull my finger "
And you don't, cause you found out once before what happens !
I mean , it's disgusting.
Women don't go around saying "Pull my finger"~
They politely excuse themselves and back up into a
corner somewhere. Except when they may be out
shopping ~then they want their man by their side,
in case there is a noise or odor, then they could look at
their man and  slap him..
And a man can never just do it... He has to verbalize
"ah..that felt good" or "must of been
the good cooking,honey"
or "Don't light a match in here"!
You would think he owns the stock in
Campbells Pork and Beans...


How Many Of These Have you Heard Before ?

Barking Spiders
Cutting The Cheese
SBDS  (Silent But Deadly)
Jean Heaters
Cheek Slappers
Ripping One
Stepping On A Duck
Talking With The Wrong Mouth
Wind Breakers
Butt Burps
Blowing Dust
One Cheek Sneak
Creeping Crawdads

If you have anymore that you would like to
add to this list , by all means e-mail me. LOL

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