You Might be a Redneck:

                  If you go to weddings to get rice for dinner.

                  If the level in your pool goes down when your
                  neighbor flushes.

                  If you've ever bathed with flea and tick soap.

                  If your wheelbarrow breaks and it takes four
                  to figure out how to fix it.


If your primary source of income is the pawn

                  If none of your shirts cover your stomach.

                  If bikers back down from your momma.

                  If you've ever been too drunk to fish.

                  If someone asks to see your ID and you show
                  them your belt buckle.

                  If your dad walks you to school cuz you're both
                  in the same grade.


If you see a sign that says "Say No To Crack,"
                  and it reminds you to pull up your pants.

                  If your fish finder cost more than your boat!

                  If while mowing your yard, you find a car.
                  If you use the same tree as your dog.

     If your wife gets caller I.D. so she can tell
                  which bar you're calling from.



If the keyless entry system for your car is a
                  coat hanger.


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