I wish for you..."
 Comfort on difficult days
 Smiles when sadness intrudes,
 Rainbows to follow the clouds,
 Laughter to kiss your lips,
 Sunsets to warm you heart,
 Gentle hugs when spirits sag,
 Friendships to brighten your being,
 Beauty for your eyes to see,
 Confidence for when you doubt,
 Faith so that you can believe,
 Courage to know yourself,
 Patience to accept the truth,
 And love to complete your life.



Attributed to Robert Louis Stevenson,
this prescription for
happiness bears remembering
and repeating.

    Make up your mind to be happy.
Learn to find
    pleasure in simple things.

    Make the best of your circumstances.
No one has
    everything and everyone has
something of sorrow
    intermingled with the gladness of life.
The trick is to
    make the laughter outweigh the tears.
Don't take
    yourself too seriously.

    You can't please everybody;
don't let criticism
    worry you.

    Don't let your neighbor set your

    Do the things you enjoy doing,
but stay out of debt.

    Don't borrow trouble. Imaginary things
are harder
    to bear than the actual ones.

    Since hate poisons the soul,
do not cherish enmities
    and grudges.

    Don't hold post-mortems. Don't spend
your life
    brooding over sorrows and mistakes.
Don't be one
    who never gets over things.

    Do what you can for those less
fortunate than

    Keep busy at something. A very busy
person never
    has time to be unhappy.

For maximum effectiveness,
this prescription
should be taken as
often as needed. Unlimited refills
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