Love for Lipgloss

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So I'm sitting in my dorm here at Mansfield University bored as usual, surfing the web on my ultra-slow university connection, when I come across this super hot little vixen on Stile's Web Cam Portal #2. Her name was none other than Lipgloss Assassin. At that exact moment, this funky-fried cutie stole my heart. I will never be the same.

Sure some may say it is silly to fall for some gal you've only seen on a cam portal, but how could you not when this girl has everything you've been looking for in a woman. A killer bod, legs to die for, intelligence, knows how to use computers, what seems to be a sense of humor, slender build, cheerleader (oh how those outfits drive me wild), and she smokes the herb!! Damn yo, she's the mother fuckin' total package! I don't think I'll ever find a woman so perfect in my whole (non-internet) life. (Altho I can think of one that's close.)

So please Lipgloss, if you were able to wade through my rant of teribble grammer, contact me! I know I may not have much to offer you (especially since I probably live a nation away from you), but I do love you. And I'm not crazy like all those other net freaks. Really! (Nervessly twiches his head as he awaits the 1000th picture of Lipgloss to finish printing so he can tape it on the ceiling above his bed.)

-- The Shinigami, December 7, 2000
ICQ: 8042106
AIM: shinigami EE
...........***PLEASE MESSAGE ME I WANTS TO TALK TO YOUS!!!! (Especially Lipgloss)***

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