Search Engines are not a new thing. For centuries, people with computers have been able to ask a program on the internet to search for something, and see all the pages that the program returns, thus making the computer show us what it thinks would help us. This technology made a huge leap forward in the 1900's with the creation of the popular search engine located at, which lets you ask the search engine, "Jeeves," a question and it will try to answer you

Now, however, we here at Scuba Steve's Venture Into the Unknown have taken this process one step farther. After watching the World Series and seeing the praise being heaped upon Derek "Mr November" Jeter (who hit I think 1 in 15 in the first 6 games of the series), and we have cut a deal with Mr November, in which we actually recorded his brain waves and formed them into a CGI program. Now, I'm not gonna explain how we did this, because either (a) its 733t computer science info that you wouldn't understand or (b) I'm totally makign it up, but hte end result is the same.

This is the askjeter search engine. It submits whatever question you ask to the mind of Derek Jeter and returns a list of websites he was thinking about when he heard yoru question. So try it out, and see what Derek Jeter is REALLY thinking about....


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