New Lawsuit for Blizzard

For those of you who haven't heard (and shame on you if you haven't, it is already old news in the fast paced world of the Internet) about Blizzard filing a law suit against New Line Cinema for trying to release a mobvie named Diablo, here is a link and here is an excerpt from that link:

IRVINE, Calif. - July. 10, 2001 - Blizzard Entertainment� announced today that a federal judge has granted a Preliminary Injunction motion against New Line Cinema, Corp., prohibiting the motion picture studio from advertising, promoting or releasing an upcoming motion picture under the name "Diablo," or under any other name that is likely to cause confusion with or likely to dilute Blizzard Entertainment's Diablo marks. This ruling prohibits New Line from using the mark Diablo in any form, whether used alone or in combination with any other words.

Well, the first thing I'd like to say about that is I'm sure glad that I didn't use the word Diablo in the title of this article, else I'd be next in line for Blizzard's wrath of lawful cash-oriented justice. Next, I'd like to score some brownie points with the people at Blizzard (I have to do something to make up for the now three times I've used the word Diablo in this article) I'd like to suggest another lawsuit, detailed below:

Blizzard Entertainment vs Starcraft RV, Inc.

Since 1903, Starcraft RV, Inc. has been operating under the name, uh, Starcraft RV, Inc. Starcraft, a game created by Blizzard Entertainment, has been around since the late 1990's and does nto yet show signs of slowing its sweeping of the nation. Even today my little brother plays Starcraft religiously, and even tries to convince me to play along with him (I tell him no because there is no conversation log feature, else I would have fun screwing with people and copy the logs to this site). It's obvious that Starcraft RV, Inc. is obviously abusing the Starcraft name to generate more hype for its various products.

Starcraft RV, Inc. makes campers, camping trailers, and RV's. In Starcraft, if you stay in one area on certain maps you are known to be "camping." There is also a unit called an "SCV," which isn't "RV," but its certainly close. Obviously this is a tie in to the game.

Starcraft RV, Inc. products are made of metal and run on gasoline. In Starcraft, by Blizzard Entertainment, you must mine minerals (AKA Metal!) and gas (AKA Gasoline!). Another clever ripoff, Starcraft RV, Inc.!!!

Also, below I have illustrated just a few of the many similarities between Starcraft RV, Inc.'s products and those of Blizzard Entertainment's "Starcraft" computer game:

This Starcraft RV, Inc. camper thingy looks suspiciously like the Terran Wraith from Starcraft. In fact you might say they copied it blatantly!

This truck has something growing out of the back of it (a camper), just like this poor infected Terran has a Zerg infestation growing on his back. Curse you, Starcraft RV, Inc! You will taste two-fisted justice before I am finished with you!

Notice the shape of this camper and how closely it corresponds to the shape of the Protoss Reaver. Was there any idea stealing here? You bet! And Starcraft RV, Inc. will pay in a payment of pain!

The game Starcraft also features a "Dropship" [not pictured here] which keeps multiple units inside of it and moves them all around together. Obviously Starcraft RV, Inc. capitalized on this stolen idea and used it as the basis for their whole line of campers, which carry people inside of them in a group from place to place. DAMN YOU STARCRAFT RV, INC.!!!

Blizzard Entertainment's "Starcraft" also had an expansion, called "Brood War." I think it is not just a coincidence that Starcraft RV, Inc. has expansions for your truck so you can turn it into a camper and drive around your family (AKA Brood!). I think it's gone too far.

And then, once Blizzard has forced Starcraft RV, Inc. into legal timidity, I will release my own lawsuit for psychological damages. Why? Because every time I see a Starcraft RV camper, I get the strange feeling that I'm about to be attacked by those bastardly zerglings!

--Scuba Steve, July 23, 2001
*All pictured copyright either Blizzard Entertainment or Starcraft RV, Inc. Please don't sue me, I don't have anything to take!

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