
Yes, you've heard me right, places aruond the country are beign invaded, by the most heinous being imaginable. No, I'm not talking about aliens, or horrible mutants, or even the living undead. I'm talking about the MTV Campus Invasion Tour. Yes, I know, I lied about the mutants.

The MTV Campus Invasion Tour is the pathetic attempt of a channel biased towards high school students to garnish attention from a college audience. To do this, they come to a number of college campuses around the country, such as the lovely Mansfield, PA, and pretty much set up a village where they give you free stuff and let you do stuff that they make seem "cool" and "hip."

They have: A place to play a guitar. Things where you can play with the volume on playing music thing, and pretend to be a DJ, even though they were too cheapass to get real turntables. Spray on tatoos and little stick on crystal things that were supposed to make you look fashionable. A lot of computers that didn't really do anything at all. A Fight for yout Rights on MTV booth. A fake TRL stage. Oh, and three touring bands.

I just wanted to put this picture on this site to show off my latest expliot, a 5 foot tall Sobe ad.

Most of the stuff in on display, blocking traffic I may add, from noon until 5 o'clock. The concert begins at 8 o'clock. The bands at said concert are: Sum 41, American Hifi, and Saliva. If you just said "Who?" less than three times, then either you listen to really bad music or just said one giant "who?" to cover all three options.

To save myself the trouble of continuing to rant, because I feel a lack of inspiration whenever I can't talk to the lovely Amanda for extended periods, I will outline my day, to show you the exact nature of the excitement packed Campus Invasion Tour.

Scuba's Log, Stardate April 5th 2001

7:00 AM I awaken to the buzzing of an overloud alarm clock, and think to myself, "Dammit self, why do you keep going to 8 o'clock classes?" Having given myself no satisfactory answer, I dismissed myself, and showered and went to class and such. Nothing else worth saying happened for many hours.

2:00 PM devNul came over and we chilled in my room, watching TV until TV sucked so bad that we decided going to see the MTV thing was the only option that would keep us with our sanity in tact. Luckily, before we got there we saw a bunch of devNul and Shinigami's frat buddies having a "beat the shit out of a car" fund raiser. We pretty much sat at that for over an hour, taking shots at the car ourselves every once in a while. Eventualy we hooked up with Shinigami as well, and cameos were also made by Braller, Rocky, and Wendel, although they all disappeared quickly.

I altered my rock the vote button to look like this.

4:00 PM devNul, Shinigami, and myself wandered into the amazing wonder that is the MTV Interactive Village. We passed on most of the stuff, but we did get roped into taking the "Erase the Hate" survey. Well, I got roped into it, and forced devNul and Shinigami to join me. Stupid survey, but we got free buttons to vandalize later. There should be a likeness of mine somewhere on this page.

4:30 PM We retired to my compatriots' room, convinced that we could learn the song "MTV Get Off The Air" quickly and go perform it at the MTV thing before they left. Sadly, we didn't.

My hair as of now. I keep on plying with it, and my mom's gonna kill me. Not to mention my girlfriend.

5:00 PM I had my friends Kristina and Cindy put my hair in the configuration that you see it in above. This was in preparation, because we were gonna go to the concert together and pretend to be hardcore raver freaks, and mock ourselves and everyone there and other spiritless stuff like that. We decided against it because Kris fell asleep and Cindy had work to do, and I wouldn't have any fun acting like a jackass alone. Also, I haven't got $5 to pay for admission.

8:30 PM Came here to write this for you, my public.

So, in conclusion, stay the hell away from anything remotely related to MTV, including the MTV Campus Invasion Tour, because MTV is a manifestation of the devil, and is one of the signs of the apocalypse.

--Scuba Steve, April 5, 2001

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