Convenience Store Bitches

The essentials of life, according to most of our society consist of Bread, Milk, Gas, and Coffee. All of these things are conveniently located at your local convenient store such as the one I work at. These are the things that people you would guess would buy in a snowstorm when a person would become snow bound or, when it wouldn�t be convenient to go to a store. But some idiots prove the rest of society wrong. there are ignorant people who come in to buy tasty cakes or a pack of gum! Leave roadways for emergency workers and plows you ignorant imbeciles! What really irks me are people on Access cards a.k.a. welfare. It�s not that their on welfare, it� the fact that the shit they buy is trivial and stupid. Most of the people on access could get jobs. But instead they choose to be reliant on taxpayer�s money. What they buy is unbelievable. Most buy 2 liters of Pepsi or Coke. Ice cream, slushies. You know the stuff ordinary people who pay for their own shit can�t afford. Once a parent bought her kid 10.00 worth of candy. They can�t afford real food, but they can afford candy. I love it when they send their kids in to get the stuff. Let�s teach our children the lesson of an honest buck. Let�s teach them not to have pride or integrity. I can tell you that 9 out of 10 welfare recipients have enough money to buy a lottery ticket.

I hate that people automatically assume that working at a store is easy. Try putting up with people day in and day out and see how easy it is. Then when you�re done with that part throw in all the reports and paperwork we do. Finally, try to run around and do all the extra stuff we have left over. Add to that, the possibility of being robbed, assaulted, and insulted by ignorant people and see if your bitch a** could handle that, you hairy goon.

Oh and for those people who bitch about prices. For example, people walk in and start in about the prices of stuff, mainly cigarettes. Dude get off my back, I�m just trying to make a profit. 1) If I�m a store employee chances are I don�t set the prices. 2) If you could get it cheaper at the ghetto store down the way, run like the wind to get it, dumb ass and buy it down there if it�s so cheap. Is it my fault your bitch ass decided to wait till you ran out of cigarettes and you got to pay our outrageous prices because you don�t want to drive your ass down the way? Hell no!

Hmm, I've got enough for the Benz, the big screen TV, and the bitches, but not for the gas. If only I could steal the gas. I know, I'll "sample" it.

While we�re on the subject of shit I can�t change I�m gonna Bitch about sales. SALES run month to month, if you miss one too bad. If it�s says 2 for $2.00 it doesn�t mean it�s 1 for $1.00 I�ve got POP�s which are Product�s on promotion, that have specific key�s I�ve got to hit so I can adjust profit�s accordingly. So if you ask me the same question over and over I might severely injure you. Slushes, I hate the fact that they are self-service. Most people put on the lid last. Hello people it�s going to over flow. It�s not that hard to realize. Or they put too much in the cup. If the slushy isn�t the consistency you want it do be I�ve got some advice for you, DON�T PUT IT IN YOUR CUP!!! Just the other night I was waiting on a customer. A kid walked up with a slushy, dropped it on the floor in front of the register. Walked out jumped in a car and pulled away. Is it that hard to say, "Hey, I dropped a slushy."? It�s not like I�m not gonna have to clean it up anyway. I can�t bitch at you. �cause that�s my job you stupid wretch.

Speaking of children, Parents: don�t send your kids in for things. Teach them the value of money, and how to make change. There is nothing more annoying then to have a kid sit a shitload of stuff on the counter then hand me a bucket load of change. Then when I�m done sorting through their myriad of money, ask me if they have enough for more shit. Or if they don�t have enough they�ll take 20 or 30 cents out of the penny tray. Or if there�s no change in the penny tray, kids look at me blankly like "give me money, bitch." Half the money in the penny jar comes out of my pocket. LEARN TO COUNT. Bring enough money. This at times can be an ageless problem. I don�t mind a few dollar worth of change. But if you have enough to roll coin wrappers, man, that tells you to roll your damn coin. I actually had a buffoon come in and buy a pack of cigarettes. He started out with $1.50 worth of change and told me it was $2.00. When I told him the amount of change that he gave me he proceed to complain to every ear he could bend. He eventually left without the cigarettes. He actually expected me to allow him just to make off w/ cigarettes for a discounted price because he didn�t have any more money. So what the hell am I suppose to do about it? I�m not taking money out of my pocket to pay for your addiction. Spam head. Nobody thinks they should have to pay for anything anymore. This becomes apparent with drive-offs and shoplifting. No One owes anyone else anything. Are scores are not always even. But people see the astronomical price of gas and think "I can�t afford this, I�ll just drive off." Well, whose pocket do you think that comes out of? Mine.

Definitive guide to shoplifting. This is the REAL reason Lerah hasn't had any trouble with shoplifting.

I�ve had very few incidents with shoplifting. Three to be exact, the first time was an under-age kid whose hand was just about to grab a cigarette. Just as his hand touch the pack I screamed "Hey" so loud I startled myself. Then I proceeded to have the kid empty his pockets out. By the time I kicked him out of the store I was shaken up myself. The Second was also cigarettes. A regular, my age (late teen years) came in to buy he�s usual. The man I was working with noticed what had probably been going on for a long, long time. As the regular walked out of the "cigarette area", and placed one pack on the counter, he was asked by my co-worker to "take the other two packs out of your pocket". As he did, we took the cigarettes back and kicked him out of the store. I just recently saw him come in the store, and kicked him out again. The last time anyone�s taken anything was in March. This Hispanic man walked in and gave me a 50 for a pack of gum and a lighter. It came up to less then 2 dollars. So I told him he couldn�t have it, and to put the merchandise back. He stuffed his pockets with the stuff, as I went out after him. I called the police. But they never did get him.

It�s a convenience store not a bank.

If I could have a dollar for every time a person expected us to change a large bill for a couple of dollars of stuff. I�d be rich. If I won�t give you a ten and two fives for a twenty, and you buy 25-cent pack of gum, the likelihood that I will give you all ones is great. Don�t think, that I�m trying to be a prick, but with the all the robberies, I can�t afford to lose that kind of money. I get my ass rimmed if there is more then fifty dollars in the drawer. Don�t send your kids in with large bills, I will send them back out. Don�t tell me if I don�t take that bill that you�re not going to pay. I DON�T OWE YOU ANYTHING. It is not my responsibility to pay your debts.

Last but not lest, my ultimate pet peeve, lottery players. This is meant to be a guide to buying lottery.

  1. Don�t fucking buy lottery. That should be the only way to really not piss me off. There are people who get up in the morning coming to my store just to buy some scratch off tickets. They play game after game, losing enormous amounts of money. Then they bitch at me. "You don�t sell me any winners." "I only want winners" "Pick me a winner."

  2. I don�t know which ones are winners. If I did, I wouldn�t be waiting on your loser ass.

Heh, I thought where it said "NASCAR CASH" it really said "NASCAR CRASH."

During a lottery promotion for the lottery, I had to ask everyone if they�d "like to buy a lottery ticket today." Do you know people will do anything to get something for free? I had people who I thought were friends actually tell me that they hoped I wouldn�t ask them so they could get a free ticket. What they didn�t know was that money comes straight out of my pocket. That doesn�t even matter when you have to listen to the management bitch about you having lost a ticket. The lottery machine, here are a few tips for playing the Pennsylvania lottery.

  1. Don�t fucking play.

  2. Remember to speak up. Can�t read lips.

  3. The probability of you winning is small, so small that it�s more likely for you to get run over by a bus, get a kidney transplant and continue life, normally in 2 months or less

  4. Decide what you�re going to buy before you come in and order it.

  5. And lastly don�t hand me a bunch of ticket and ask me if their winners.

The people who play lottery make me sick. People who milk the employers for workman�s compensation, or sue innocent people for pure profit. It embodies a new class of people. The sort that think everyone owes them, and people who work to earn things in life are stupid. I am so sorry that I don�t have your misguide American-dream fucked up ideas. I actually work for a living. So, don�t give me any lip!

*Bitchin pics, stupid captions for them, and poorly written html coutrtesy of Scuba

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