Cult of Indifference

Sorry to get philosophical today, but I've been pumping out useless shit for the last week or so, so I've saved up all the intelligent banter that would've taken place on this site had I been my normal, smart self, and used it all for this one article. Or I just need to take my mind off of something that is rather bothering me. Also, I just produced a four line run on sentence while expounding my own intelligence.

One big festering pit full of hatred

No, no, this article is not trying to make you join a lazyness cult or a non-caring religion. For the most part, if you read this website often you probably already are a member of such a laziness based organization. Rather, the point of my indecipherable ranting today is to talk about the huge amount of uncaring evidenced by pretty much all people everywhere.

My most recent realization, about us as a human race, is that none of us really care. I'm not saying that we don't care at all. On the contrary, most of us care about the people around us--our friends, our family, our room mates--but we don't care at all for our fellow man in the least.

Oh, and of course, we care about ourselves. I mean, for 99.9% of the people on this planet, self is the most important thing. You never see people going out of their way to help others, especially when they could instead help themselves. If someone does go out of there way to help someone, its usually someone they know, because it will usually benefit them as well, at least through the other person's good fortune.

Different pit, same hatred.

"Wait a minute Scuba!" you're saying. Well, yelling if you have that exclamation point in there. "You're just as much of a selfish, greedy bastard as the rest of us. You don't give a shit about your common man!" And there you would be wrong. I hate people even more than you do. But I, as part of common man, think other people should care about their common man. Yes, it's so life will be easier for me and people I know. Hell, at least I'm honest, I want to hear someone else admit that they really don't care what happens to 99.999% of the whole frickin planet, even though almost no one really does.

What sparked this irate post that should almost definately make you feel guilty because chances are good that you take part in this? Actually a trip to the hospital. Late this weekend I escorted my girlfriend, the lovely Amanda, whom I love more than anything, to the emergency room at about midnight (if anyone is insensitive enough to joke about this, they will be going to the hospital, courtesy of me). Now, the term "Emergency Room" must have been misinterpretted by someone, somewhere. I always thought that "Emergency" meant "Something urgent that is to be dealt with immediately." The receptionist seemed to use a different definition of "Emergency," in which it means "A situation where speed is not of the essence and telephone conversations are alright." Here is a sample conversation featuring the receptionist. Not the actual conversation, I just made this one up.

RECEPTIONIST: Mmm Hmm.... Hold on a moment, I'm on the phone.
RECEPTIONIST: [on the phone] So yeah, you tell HER to get her punk ass out here and I'll show her a thing or two![to me] Take a seat son, I'll get to you in a few minutes.
RECEPTIONIST: Yeah... okay.... um, sign this paper.
RECEPTIONIST: Sir, if you don't sign the paper, I can't help you.
ME: So... dark... I.... [death takes me quickly]

The pure uncaring of this dumb bitch hits me like a brick. This was just a made up sample, but it is, for the most part, accurate. Why does this piss me off? Well, the fact that I was fearing for my girlfriend's safety while she decided to talk to her friend on the FUCKING TELEPHONE and not giving a shit was a major part of it. The other major part would be that, I can imagine her at home right now thinking how much she helps people, doing such good work like working at a hospital.

THATS WHAT PISSES ME OFF! People think they care about people, they think they're helping, but in real life THEY are the most inconsiderate people of all. I consider myself rather uncaring of the welfare of people, but if someone came to me with a medical "Emergency" (after all, its the emergency room!) I think I'd at least do them the courtesy of paying attention to them.

With humans like this around, it's easy to despise humanity.

Maybe this just pisses me off because I'm jealous, because I know that I will now never be the most uncaring person in the world. But now that I think about it for another 2 seconds, I think it pisses me off because that stupid bitch probably considers herself a hero, when in reality she's really, to quote myself, a stupid bitch.

If this article seems extra angry, or jaded, I'll just let you know that I'm not in the most happy mood, but hopefully it will pass.

And no, unless you're the lovely Amanda, I don't care about you either.

--Scuba Steve, March 26, 2001

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