Cup Noodles: God's Blessing to the Chronically Hungry

Read this Part First!
I wrote this story with the implication that i was gonna use digital camera pictures. My camera was set on the highest quality, and i do have some great pics, but they are just so big that it would be assanine to do so, so just try to imagine pictures above everything written here.

Thanks, Scuba

What do you get when you cross the desire to play with a digital camera and immense hunger? An article about Nissin's Cup Noodles. Cup Noodles, or as they are more commonly referred to, Cup O Noodles, are quite possibly the ultimate food. I do not lie, they are truly the nectar of the gods. I recieved ten for Christmas, but my supply has slowly dwindled to what you see before you here.

In a Cup O Noodles one can find everything required to create a perfect snack, or, when quantities are increased, a meal of epic proportions. Inside the cup is dehydrated vegetables, the meat of your choice (or more veggies for those of you who get the vegetarian version) and the main ingredient--ramen. Ramen is some kind of wacky Asian noodle. I saw Morimoto cook soem once on Iron Chef. It is the most wondrous food that isnt really foodlike. On the food-o-meter I give it a ten.

What exactly makes Nissin's Cup O Noodles better than its competition? You may ask, "For a food of this quality, how can there be any competition at all?" Very good point, but somehow other companies are in business against Nissin in the illustrious battle over instant ramen. Its main competitor? A little soup known as Maruchan's Instant Lunch (featured in the offensive comics section, btw). Shinigami and dev Nul are hardcore Maruchan fans if memory serves me, but I say Cup O Noodles is superior.

This is the nutrition information about Cup O Noodles. Digital cameras do strange things to a man. I was too lazy to write it out. If you care how much sodium I get from my Cup O Noodles binging, read this.

This is my Guide to How to Prepare Cup O Noodles

1. remove wrapping

2. remove all vegetables (ick!)

3. boil water, peel back lid, and pour boiling water inside. do not pour boiling water on self, this is very painful

4. place something over top to prevent heat from escaping. I chose this lovely floral arrangement

5. wait 3 minutes, open, and eat

In closing, Cup O Noodles is good, and thats all I have to say about it, since Southpark comes on in 2 minutes and its the cat orgy episode, which, if you haven't seen it, is hilarious.

--Scuba Steve, January 10, 2001

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