The Gayman Speaketh

Apparently about 2 weeks ago I had these 2 conversations with dave over instant messenger. I saved them banking on the fact that they would be funny and could be a post without me bothering to think about writing, and what do you know, now they are. Dave's text will be in yellow and mine will be in red. Analysis will be written in blue. The names have been changed to protect the innocent.


As a side note, this is a link to a site where they compare the views of the religious right about gays to the feelings of Nazis against Jews. This was such obvious pro-gay propaganda itself that its hypocrisy almost sickened me. But that is an article for another day when I am angry at Dave...

Scubasteve: huh?
mansfieldfag: good link
mansfieldfag: youll like it
Scubasteve: you think i like weitrd shit.
mansfieldfag: yea
Scubasteve: ill look at it then later

This was his actual away message:

Auto response from mansfieldfag: ok i am here alone....alone....let me repeat i could be doing something for you..but you need to utter those little words... and by the way ..i am in the mood..... its your turn:-P


Wendel looked at me weird after I read this, mainly because I was laughing so hard I had fallen on the floor.

Later on that night...

mansfieldfag: cold did you say....yes its cold..wheres the heat
Scubasteve: wtf?
Scubasteve: what are you talking about?
mansfieldfag: its FUCKING COLD
mansfieldfag: you know that feeling you get in the winter
mansfieldfag: its called cold
mansfieldfag: nipply
mansfieldfag: freezing
mansfieldfag: that sort of thing
Scubasteve: why are you telling me bitch, you were supposed to buy a space heater
mansfieldfag: lol
Scubasteve: and the term is nippy
mansfieldfag: oh thanks
mansfieldfag: illremember that
Scubasteve: nipply is what women are when its cold
mansfieldfag: i wouldnt know
mansfieldfag: i am gay
Scubasteve: no shit sherlock
mansfieldfag: haha

Alright, now I'm gonna go actually bother to write an article instead of just taking a conversation and coding it. Peace out, yo.

--Scuba Steve, February 7, 2001

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