Dave's Corner 1

Hi folks.... Gay Dave here. Scuba is letting me write a little sumthin, sumthin. It was supposed to be about John Candy, one of the greatest comedians alive (well hes dead now but if he was alive, he would be awesome). Any which way, (well I like up the ass but thats another story) The Candy story will come later, as I am doing research on him right now (right thats the reason). Today I am going to take you into the realms of gay hood. Mostly due to the great demand or lack of knowledge of the gay lifestyle.

First of all I am gay. Thats a given! Second of all, if you didnt know I was gay, you wuldnt know I was gay. Let me repeat that a little differently. I am gay. I like men. But i dont act gay in public. Most people think gay guys are these sissy little girly guys. I beg to differ. I am not a girly guy. I act like most straight guys. Now I just talked with my roomates some(we do that very often see, I love them....not that way you sick jerk...), and they think I do act gay, and some other friends have told me that I act gay also. I think its a big hoax.

On to more interesting things. I am hoping Scubs puts up a "Dave's Corner". To kinda help him along, I am giving you the first installment.

Everyone has been asking (well if you emailed me, I would of had something to back that up) (oh by the way all comments and/or suggestions e-mail me at [email protected]) for a few web sites I have found to help me in my daily walk of gayness:

Dave's Gay Sites

www.gay.com This is a good resource for info on gayness and answers to all those questions you have. I am a member of this site. That means I get the newsletter!!! Also you can get great shopping links here. Very nice.
GayDaves Rating 4/5

www.MenNet.com This is kinda like gay.com, but it has a lot of message boards. I am kinda new to this site so for now......
GayDaves Rating 3/5

NOT LISTED* This site is a porn site. I will mention that the other two are not porn sites at all. They are decent and clean. This one though...oh my!! Its updated daily and has a lot of links to other great porn as well.
GayDaves Rating 4.5/5

Well folks that should about do it for todays Dave's Corner. Send me your questions and comments. I will be sure to follow them up. Do you have a relationship problem... then send it on over to Dave. Hey also let Scuba know how much you like my little ditty!! Love you all.... Peace Out!!! And remember that Jesus loves ya!!


* = Note from Scuba Steve himself - apologies to Dave and all of you gay readers that want to take this link to the gay porn site, but I have this problem wth linking to porn sites. Lets just say that it makes me feel dirty and I won't do it. "But you linked to stileproject" you say. That is not all porn. Its mainly a satire of how stupid people are. The porn banners just pay his rent. So basically, find your own gay porn sites if you need it that badly. --Scuba Steve

Another note, the reason that there are no pics is all Dave gave me were very outdated pictures of himself. Nobody cares what he looked like last year. And they were all bitmaps. I hate those. --Scuba Steve

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