How the 733t Beat the Heat

As many of you might have noticed, if you live in America, for the past few months it has been inordinately hot. The heat kept on increasing and increasing, and I haven't seen snow in months. People keep assuring me that this is a common phoenomenon, and that it even happens every year. Reputedly it is called summer. I don't know about that (sounds like local folklore to me) but I do know that when I have to go to work in 97 degree weather, that something must be done.

That's why I have concocted a plan. A plan so devious that I'm absolutely certain that no one else has ever come up with it before in all of history ever. I purport that we blow up the sun.

In more primitive times, people worshipped the sun, when they should have been worshipping me.

Say it with me now, "Scuba Steve, you are a fucking genius! You are my God now." I know, I know. What would the earth do without me? I don't know. But if there's one thing I do know, besides that I must destroy the sun, it's that... damn, I guess the only thing I know is that I must destroy the sun. Luckily, after watching TV and movies for so long, I have an expert perspective on destroying things.

You see, on television, I have witnessed the destruction of many planets, and I assume the sun must go down the same way as most planets. You see, I've been told that this sun character may look small from the earth, but in reality it is many times larger, probably being at least the size of a large beach ball or a planet.

Now, I am no expert on the Sun, unless by the Sun you mean the tabloid. In fact, basically everything I know about the Sun I learned from the little known They Might Be Giants song, "Why Does the Sun Shine?" which gives an accurate description of exactly why the Sun shines. Too bad I never really paid much attention to it, or the knowledge would help me here.

Anyway, even though I don't know anything about the Sun, once I get government funding for this project I will simply bring in people who either have sun and planet destroying experience, or people who have experience destroying things similar to the Sun. These may include:

Vegeta sez: "I hate you and I WILL kill you.

Oh-ho! Don't look so hot in an 8-bit gif file, do you, Sun? Muhahahaha!

With the help of all these superstars (if you can call them that) the Sun doesn't stand a snowball's chance in Hell of lasting throught thise whole "Summer" phoenomenon. And then we can exert our superiority over other planets. Mars, you're next.

--Scuba Steve, July 26, 2001

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