
Name - Jeremy

Webname - devNul

email - [email protected]

Likes - procrastination, video games, punk rock girls (yummy yummy), ramen noodles, piracy, programming (not necessarily in that order)

Hates - rednecks, idiots, morons, and dumb people, robot dogs, singing rubber fish.

History - born a geek with the innate ability to operate a computer, devNul developed his ghost-like complection and girly muscles in the depths of his dimly lit cell. He survives solely on ramen-noodles and gummi bears. Many mistake him for and anorexic but really he is just too lazy to make food. Delivery is a godsend for him, as it is the only way he can achieve true sustanance. Oddly enuf, he is known to eat multiple bags of doritos and a magnatude of hot pockets when "the munchies" set in. He doesnt remember the rest and he like to talk in 3rd person.

Weapon of choice - profanity

Super power - unlimited supply of soul.

Quote - "fuck shit ass bitch" -self

purpose at SSVITU - whats SSVITU? oh..... nevermind......

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