Philo/Theosophical Meanings of the Term "Fuck You"

Today the topic of conversation are those two commonly used words, "Fuck you," and the huge mystery that they contain therein. I am an expert on these words, as I have used or heard them so many times that I obviously understand every pixel of their being. After all, I've had hour long conversations using only those two little words. In fact, just totalling up the number of times I've told one of my roommates "Fuck You" brings us to a number so large that there is no word for it.

Grammatically and vocabularily speaking, most slang terms for use in disrespecting make some degree of sense. "Stick a fork up your ass" for example, wishes a large misfortune on the person you wish it upon. Or "May you be raped im prison" which does about the same thing. That's why the term "Fuck you" causes me so much damn trouble.

Kitty gives the middle finger, a popular nonverbal expression meaning "Fuck you."

To fully understand this expression, first we must dissect the term.

So in this grammatical context, "Fuck You" wishes that you will have sex. Now, I don't know about you, but I don't often wish that my worst enemies will have sex. Well, actually, I guess from the real meaning of this expression, I guess I do. In fact, I think if we take the expression "Fuck You" at face value I have wished that Rocky would have sex about... oh, about 900 million times.

This creates a huge inconsistency, and at the same time, a mysetery arises about it. Why has it become the largest two word insult possible to have someone wish you to have sex? From my experiences, and from what I've heard form people who have actually HAD sex, it is quite the pleasureable experience.

One theory is that, while sex is a good thing (which it certainly is), the words "Fuck you" imply negativity as well, as is made evident in the following cases:

Another theory states that the words "Fuck You" are an imperitive command, which would then turn the phrase into "(You) Fuck You." Thus "Fuck You" means the same as "Go Fuck Yourself" except using two less syllables. Wishing your adversary to masturbate, however, is not nearly enough insult to warrant the revered status that "Fuck You" has in our language.

Yet a third theory states that "Fuck You" is a rhetorical question rather than an answer, as in "Fuck YOU(???? HAHAHAHAHA! Not for all the gold in that place that has all that gold... You know where I mean)!" or some other equitable term.

Shaft says "Fuck You, too. For those of you who don't know, Shaft is the black private dick who's a sex machine for all the chicks.

So in the end, it all comes down to a huge mystery, the same mystery that plagues us about all major cultural phoenomenon. What is "Fuck You"? Why is it so popular? What exactly does it mean? Is it possible that it was created just because "Fuck" is the most reaction-recieving explative in our language and people use the entire expression not to wish unpleasantness to their adversary, but instead to get a reaction from those who don't appreciate foul language (a reaction like the one I'm sure I'm getting right now by those people for this article)??? I don't know. I don't even really care. I just thought you might like to hear my stupid ranting on the subject. Oh, and if you didn't like this article, I have two words for you......

To bad.

HAH! Bet you thought I was gonna say "Fuck You." Damn, I need a life.

--Scuba Steve, August 2, 2001

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